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All Outputs (2)

Investigating protein arginine methylation in platelets and hair (2023)
Marsden, A. J. Investigating protein arginine methylation in platelets and hair. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Post-translational modification (PTM) of platelet proteins has long been known to have an effect on their ability to aggregate and form a thrombus. Arginine methylation (ArgMe) is catalysed by protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) which... Read More about Investigating protein arginine methylation in platelets and hair.

The language of abiotic stress in aquatic animals : molecular characterisation of stress metabolite-mediated stress communication (2022)
Feugère, L. The language of abiotic stress in aquatic animals : molecular characterisation of stress metabolite-mediated stress communication. (Thesis). University of Hull.

It is well established that aquatic animals inform their neighbours of predation risk through chemical cues. In this thesis, I tested the hypothesis that stress propagation is a widespread mechanism also activated by abiotic stressors – such as those... Read More about The language of abiotic stress in aquatic animals : molecular characterisation of stress metabolite-mediated stress communication.