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All Outputs (147)

Oral health and dental care challenges in scleroderma - perspectives of dentists, rheumatologists and patients (2024)
Journal Article
Mills, T. J., Price, E., Aggarwal, V. R., Del Galdo, F., & Walker, L. (2024). Oral health and dental care challenges in scleroderma - perspectives of dentists, rheumatologists and patients. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(4), Article rkae121.

Objectives: The oral healthcare challenges of people living with scleroderma are poorly understood, yet frequently reported. This mixed methods study aimed to investigate oral health and dental care challenges associated with scleroderma from the per... Read More about Oral health and dental care challenges in scleroderma - perspectives of dentists, rheumatologists and patients.

Biomarker Driven Antifungal Stewardship (BioDriveAFS) in acute leukaemia—a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess clinical and cost effectiveness: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Flett, L., Abdelatif, R., Akhtar Baz, S., Brady, S., Corbacho, B., Common, K., Cowling, A., Fairhurst, C., Fitzmaurice, E., Gandhi, S., Hilton, A., Hope, W., Howard, A., Laycock, J., Lillie, P., Mitchell, G., Parker, A., Peel, M., Sheard, L., Sneddon, J., …Barlow, G. (2024). Biomarker Driven Antifungal Stewardship (BioDriveAFS) in acute leukaemia—a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess clinical and cost effectiveness: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 25(1), Article 427.

BACKGROUND: Acute leukaemias (AL) are life-threatening blood cancers that can be potentially cured with treatment involving myelosuppressive, multiagent, intensive chemotherapy (IC). However, such treatment is associated with a risk of serious infect... Read More about Biomarker Driven Antifungal Stewardship (BioDriveAFS) in acute leukaemia—a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess clinical and cost effectiveness: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Homecare workers needs and experiences in end of life care: rapid review (2024)
Journal Article
Forward, C., Bayley, Z., Walker, L., Krygier, J., White, C., Mwaba, K., Elliott-Button, H., Taylor, P., & Johnson, M. J. (in press). Homecare workers needs and experiences in end of life care: rapid review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care,

Background Social homecare workers provide essential care to those living at home at the end of life. In the context of a service experiencing difficulties in attracting and retaining staff, we have limited knowledge about the training, support needs... Read More about Homecare workers needs and experiences in end of life care: rapid review.

Erratum: Correction: Supported: Supporting, enabling, and sustaining homecare workers to deliver end-of-life care: A qualitative study protocol (PloS one (2023) 18 12 (e0291525)) (2024)
Journal Article
Bayley, Z., Bothma, J., Bravington, A., Forward, C., Hussain, J., Manthorpe, J., Pearson, M., Roberts, H., Taylor, P., Walker, L., White, C., Wray, J., & Johnson, M. J. (2024). Erratum: Correction: Supported: Supporting, enabling, and sustaining homecare workers to deliver end-of-life care: A qualitative study protocol (PloS one (2023) 18 12 (e0291525)). PLoS ONE, 19(2), Article e0298925.

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291525.].

Understanding the Communicative Ecology and Impact of Social Media following a Suspected Suicide (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bell, J., & Westoby, C. (2023, September). Understanding the Communicative Ecology and Impact of Social Media following a Suspected Suicide. Presented at International Association for Suicide Prevention 32nd World Congress, Piran, Slovenia

Background: The proliferation of social media platforms in recent years has expanded and complicated the communicative ecology of suicide-related internet use. There is a wide gap in the literature when it comes to a deeper understanding of the issue... Read More about Understanding the Communicative Ecology and Impact of Social Media following a Suspected Suicide.

Identifying Good Practice in a Community-based Postvention Support Service: Findings from a Mixed Methods Evaluation study in the UK (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bell, J., & Kent, J. (2023, September). Identifying Good Practice in a Community-based Postvention Support Service: Findings from a Mixed Methods Evaluation study in the UK. Presented at IASP 32nd World Congress, Piran, Slovenia

Background: This paper reports on a two-year evaluation of a community-based postvention support service in the UK.

Aims: To identify factors that help to improve service delivery (1); to understand the needs of those affected following a suicide... Read More about Identifying Good Practice in a Community-based Postvention Support Service: Findings from a Mixed Methods Evaluation study in the UK.

Invisible in Plain Sight? Grandfathers Caring for Orphaned Grandchildren in Rural Malawi (2023)
Journal Article
Lazaro, M. C., Walker, L., & Robson, E. (in press). Invisible in Plain Sight? Grandfathers Caring for Orphaned Grandchildren in Rural Malawi. African Studies,

Millions of orphans, created by parental deaths due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, live with, and are cared for, by grandparents. Little research has considered how grandparents and, in particular, grandfathers, are caring for orphan... Read More about Invisible in Plain Sight? Grandfathers Caring for Orphaned Grandchildren in Rural Malawi.

A case study of lived experience of the implementation of Child Rights Act 2003 In Nigeria (2023)
Ikeh, N. C. A case study of lived experience of the implementation of Child Rights Act 2003 In Nigeria. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Child rights abuses continue to occur in Nigeria despite the domestication of the global child rights treaty. Some state governments have refused to adopt the Child Rights Act (CRA 2003), which is a requirement for it to become operational. Fur... Read More about A case study of lived experience of the implementation of Child Rights Act 2003 In Nigeria.

Caring from a distance: carers’ experiences of keeping in touch with care home residents during COVID-19 closures (2022)
Journal Article
White, C., Whitfield, C., Wolverson, E., & Wray, J. (2024). Caring from a distance: carers’ experiences of keeping in touch with care home residents during COVID-19 closures. International Journal of Care and Caring, 8(2), 264-286.

In response to COVID-19, many care homes closed to visitors and new ways for carers and residents to stay in touch were tried. This UK study employed an online survey to explore carer experiences of staying in touch from a distance. The research high... Read More about Caring from a distance: carers’ experiences of keeping in touch with care home residents during COVID-19 closures.

Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review (2022)
Journal Article
Bennett, J., Wolverson, E., & Price, L. (2022). Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review. Dementia,

Objective: Depsite the growing awareness of the importance of engagement with the natural world for people living with dementia, little is known about the impact specifically for people living independently in their own home. This review identifies,... Read More about Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review.

‘It just fundamentally reflects the best of social work’: Social Worker’s Practice Understandings and Experience of the Best Interests Assessor role (2022)
Journal Article
Buckton, W. (in press). ‘It just fundamentally reflects the best of social work’: Social Worker’s Practice Understandings and Experience of the Best Interests Assessor role. The British journal of social work, Article bcac147.

This article explores narratives of professional social workers tasked with undertaking the formal para-legal role of Best Interests Assessor under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) scheme. Wholesale reform of this practice has been debate... Read More about ‘It just fundamentally reflects the best of social work’: Social Worker’s Practice Understandings and Experience of the Best Interests Assessor role.

More than signposting: Findings from an evaluation of a social prescribing service (2022)
Journal Article
White, C., Bell, J., Reid, M., & Dyson, J. (2022). More than signposting: Findings from an evaluation of a social prescribing service. Health and Social Care in the Community,

This paper presents findings from an evaluation of a social prescribing service, undertaken between January 2019 and December 2020. Data was collected through interviews and focus groups with a range of groups including social prescribing managers, l... Read More about More than signposting: Findings from an evaluation of a social prescribing service.

A Sort of Permanence: Digital Remains and Posthuman Encounters with Death (2022)
Journal Article
Segerstad, Y. H. A., Bell, J., & Yeshua-Katz, D. (2022). A Sort of Permanence: Digital Remains and Posthuman Encounters with Death. Conjunctions : Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 9(1), 1-12.

Digital remains, in the shape of devices and traces of digital content and interaction stored on the devices them selves and online, left behind by the deceased have come to play important parts in the lives of those who live on. With a posthumanist... Read More about A Sort of Permanence: Digital Remains and Posthuman Encounters with Death.

Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative (2022)
Journal Article
Revell, L. (2022). Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative. Child Abuse Review, 31(6), Article e2780.

This article reports findings from a study which sought to offer primacy to the voice of the child, using narrative approaches to encourage children and young people to share their lived experiences of neglect. Using a constructivist approach, this p... Read More about Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative.

How Does a Population Residing in a UK Town Perceive Hospice Care Provision? A Qualitative Study of Milton Keynes and its Hospice (2022)
Bayley, Z. How Does a Population Residing in a UK Town Perceive Hospice Care Provision? A Qualitative Study of Milton Keynes and its Hospice. (Thesis).

Hospice care in the UK is a complex service delivered through different streams of provision, managed and funded by independent charities within specific geographical catchment areas. These different service providers provide their own forms of care... Read More about How Does a Population Residing in a UK Town Perceive Hospice Care Provision? A Qualitative Study of Milton Keynes and its Hospice.

Signs of Safety and the Paradox of Simplicity: Insights from Research with Social Work Students (2022)
Journal Article
White, C., Bell, J., & Revell, L. (in press). Signs of Safety and the Paradox of Simplicity: Insights from Research with Social Work Students. Practice: Social Work in Action,

Signs of Safety (SOS) is a widely adopted approach in child protection internationally. However, very little is known about the effectiveness of students’ learning and engagement with this approach. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explor... Read More about Signs of Safety and the Paradox of Simplicity: Insights from Research with Social Work Students.

The Aftermath of a Suicide: Social Media Exposure and Implications for Postvention (2022)
Book Chapter
Bell, J., & Westoby, C. (2022). The Aftermath of a Suicide: Social Media Exposure and Implications for Postvention. In M. Pompili (Ed.), Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention. Springer.

There is an urgent need to understand the effects of social media and related practices in the aftermath of a suicide. News of a death by suicide can explode like a bomb on social media, the impact of which can be felt around the world. Emerging rese... Read More about The Aftermath of a Suicide: Social Media Exposure and Implications for Postvention.

The interface between primary care and care homes: General Practitioner experiences of working in care homes for older people (2022)
Journal Article
White, C., & Alton, E. (in press). The interface between primary care and care homes: General Practitioner experiences of working in care homes for older people. Health and Social Care in the Community,

Supporting residents in care homes for older people is an important, though little studied, aspect of the General Practitioner (GP) role. This study explored GPs’ experiences of working to support older people living in care homes, and the challenges... Read More about The interface between primary care and care homes: General Practitioner experiences of working in care homes for older people.