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All Outputs (23)

"Edge of darkness" and "Just in Time": Two cautionary tales, two styles, one story (2010)
Journal Article
Gilbourne, D. (2010). "Edge of darkness" and "Just in Time": Two cautionary tales, two styles, one story. Qualitative Inquiry, 16(5), 325-331.

"Edge of Darkness" is an autoethnographic tale punctuated in places with extracts from an autoethnographic poetic monologue "Just in Time." Both explore elements of one life by focusing on different issues and settings, chart the slow decline of well... Read More about "Edge of darkness" and "Just in Time": Two cautionary tales, two styles, one story.

Coping self-efficacy, pre-competitive anxiety, and subjective performance among athletes (2010)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Polman, R., & Levy, A. R. (2010). Coping self-efficacy, pre-competitive anxiety, and subjective performance among athletes. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 10(2), 97-102.

The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between (a) coping self-efficacy and subjective performance, (b) coping self-efficacy and pre-competitive anxiety, and (c) pre-competitive anxiety and subjective performance. Participants were 30... Read More about Coping self-efficacy, pre-competitive anxiety, and subjective performance among athletes.

Arlie Russell Hochschild: the managed heart, feeling rules, and emotional labour: coaching as an emotional endeavour (2010)
Book Chapter
Potrac, P., & Marshall, P. (2010). Arlie Russell Hochschild: the managed heart, feeling rules, and emotional labour: coaching as an emotional endeavour. In R. Jones, P. Potrac, C. Cushion, & L. Ronglan (Eds.), The sociology of sports coaching (54-66). Routledge.

Arlie Russell Hochschild was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1940. After finishing her undergraduate degree in international relations at Swarthmore College, she went on to undertake postgraduate work in sociology at the University of California, Be... Read More about Arlie Russell Hochschild: the managed heart, feeling rules, and emotional labour: coaching as an emotional endeavour.