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All Outputs (22)

Proteomic (antibody microarray) exploration of the molecular mechanism of action of the specific COX-2 inhibitor DuP 697 (2013)
Journal Article
Agarwal, V., Hodgkinson, V. C., Eagle, G. L., Scaife, L., Lind, M. J., & Cawkwell, L. (2013). Proteomic (antibody microarray) exploration of the molecular mechanism of action of the specific COX-2 inhibitor DuP 697. International Journal of Oncology, 42(3), 1088-1092.

We have previously shown that specific COX-2 inhibitors, including DuP 697, have anti-proliferative effects on mesothelioma cells and potentiate the cytotoxicity of pemetrexed. Here, we used a novel proteomic approach to explore the mechanism of acti... Read More about Proteomic (antibody microarray) exploration of the molecular mechanism of action of the specific COX-2 inhibitor DuP 697.

Individual patient data meta-analysis of beta-blockers in heart failure: rationale and design (2013)
Journal Article
Kotecha, D., Manzano, L., Altman, D. G., Krum, H., Erdem, G., Williams, N., …Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure Collaborative Group. (2013). Individual patient data meta-analysis of beta-blockers in heart failure: rationale and design. Systematic reviews, 2(1), Article 7.

The Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure Collaborative Group (BB-HF) was formed to obtain and analyze individual patient data from the major randomized controlled trials of beta-blockers in heart failure. Even though beta-blockers are an established treatm... Read More about Individual patient data meta-analysis of beta-blockers in heart failure: rationale and design.