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All Outputs (26)

‘All the unlawful issue that their lust / Since then hath made between them’: children and absent motherhood in Early Modern English Cleopatra plays (2024)
Book Chapter
Lawrence, J. ‘All the unlawful issue that their lust / Since then hath made between them’: children and absent motherhood in Early Modern English Cleopatra plays. In C. Ragni (Ed.), Shakespeare and the Mediterranean 3: Antony and Cleopatra (127-150). Edizioni ETS.

Recent criticism on 'Antony and Cleopatra' has started to argue for a closer correspondence between Shakespeare’s play and the English closet dramas ('The Tragedie of Antonie' by Mary Sidney Herbert, and 'The Tragedie of Cleopatra' by Samuel Daniel),... Read More about ‘All the unlawful issue that their lust / Since then hath made between them’: children and absent motherhood in Early Modern English Cleopatra plays.

Freedom From Religion: Multiculturalism and the Rights of Women and Children (2024)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2024). Freedom From Religion: Multiculturalism and the Rights of Women and Children. In M. J. H. Bhuiyan, & A. Black (Eds.), Religious Freedom and Accommodating Religious Diversity: Challenges and Responses (20-39). Routledge.

This chapter examines the limits of state interference in proscribing cultural norms by considering the right of people to leave their community free of penalties and practices that deny education to vulnerable populations, particularly women and chi... Read More about Freedom From Religion: Multiculturalism and the Rights of Women and Children.

What is this ‘Balkan’ in Balkan Popular Culture?: Stuart Hall’s Sociology of Popular Culture, Identity and Race through Analogy and Connection (2024)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2024). What is this ‘Balkan’ in Balkan Popular Culture?: Stuart Hall’s Sociology of Popular Culture, Identity and Race through Analogy and Connection. In C. Baker (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Popular Music and Politics of the Balkans (500-512). Routledge.

This chapter situates ‘Balkan’ popular music within a global politics of identity and difference and gives an example of how to use social and cultural theory to develop a research agenda, by reviewing how scholars of popular culture in the region ha... Read More about What is this ‘Balkan’ in Balkan Popular Culture?: Stuart Hall’s Sociology of Popular Culture, Identity and Race through Analogy and Connection.

Introduction: Thinking Politically with Popular Music of the Balkans (2024)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2024). Introduction: Thinking Politically with Popular Music of the Balkans. In C. Baker (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Popular Music and Politics of the Balkans (1-27). Routledge.

The introduction surveys the sociopolitical contexts surrounding historic and contemporary popular music in the Balkans. It explains the complexities of ‘popular music’ and other related terms in defining the field of study, including the problems of... Read More about Introduction: Thinking Politically with Popular Music of the Balkans.

Ancient sculptures lost at sea: stories of loss and discovery (2024)
Book Chapter
Velentza, K. (2024). Ancient sculptures lost at sea: stories of loss and discovery. In Delivering the Deep: Maritime archaeology for the 21st century: selected papers from IKUWA 7 (135–147). Oxford: BAR Publishing.

This chapter explores stories of loss and discovery of ancient sculptures in the Mediterranean Sea from the period of Classical Antiquity until today. Through the study of archaeological evidence, literary sources, historical records, contemporary ar... Read More about Ancient sculptures lost at sea: stories of loss and discovery.

Transitions and Continuities in Petitioning in Early Modern England (2024)
Book Chapter
Waddell, B., & Worthen, H. (2024). Transitions and Continuities in Petitioning in Early Modern England. In R. Huzzey, M. Janse, H. Miller, J. Oddens, & B. Waddell (Eds.), Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America: From the Late Medieval Period to the Present. Oxford University Press

Low-key bioeconomies: The case of farmers markets in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire (2024)
Book Chapter
Sotiropoulou, I., & Deutz, P. (2024). Low-key bioeconomies: The case of farmers markets in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. In V. Kumar Garg, & N. Kataria (Eds.), Bioeconomy for Sustainability (319-347). Springer.

This chapter explores forms of the bioeconomy that are small scale, use limited amount of resources, and are managed by very small businesses, participating in distribution networks outside the big supply chains. These economic activities not only fu... Read More about Low-key bioeconomies: The case of farmers markets in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Through the Balkans to Christchurch: Southeast Europe and global white nationalist historical mythology (2024)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2024). Through the Balkans to Christchurch: Southeast Europe and global white nationalist historical mythology. In C. Baker, B. C. Iacob, A. Imre, & J. Mark (Eds.), Off White: Central and Eastern Europe and the Global History of Race (328-347). Manchester University Press.

The chapter explores Southeast Europe’s part in global white nationalist historical mythology through the March 2019 Christchurch massacre and what it revealed about how both recent and distant histories of intercommunal violence in Southeast Europe... Read More about Through the Balkans to Christchurch: Southeast Europe and global white nationalist historical mythology.

Introduction: Racial disavowals-Historicising whiteness in Central and Eastern Europe (2024)
Book Chapter
Mark, J., Imre, A., Iacob, B. C., & Baker, C. (2024). Introduction: Racial disavowals-Historicising whiteness in Central and Eastern Europe. In C. Baker, B. C. Iacob, A. Imre, & J. Mark (Eds.), Off White: Central and Eastern Europe and the Global History of Race (1-30). Manchester University Press.

Central and Eastern Europe has long been removed from global histories of race: this introduction firstly explores the regional and global forces which have forged this capacity for disavowal, and analyses what has been long at stake in doing so. Sec... Read More about Introduction: Racial disavowals-Historicising whiteness in Central and Eastern Europe.

Introducing Coach Learners to Behaviourist Coaching Principles: Critical Reflections on Coach Educator Practice (2024)
Book Chapter
Ives, B., Nelson, L., Gale, L., Potrac, P., & Toner, J. (2024). Introducing Coach Learners to Behaviourist Coaching Principles: Critical Reflections on Coach Educator Practice. In S. B. Rynne, & C. J. Mallett (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Coach Development in Sport (132-143). Routledge.

The purpose of this chapter is to explore how coach educators can and do teach coach learners about the key principles of behaviourism and their application to sport coaching practice. To achieve this goal, the chapter has been divided into four main... Read More about Introducing Coach Learners to Behaviourist Coaching Principles: Critical Reflections on Coach Educator Practice.

Surveying Domestic Abuse Victims: The Inimical Lack of Common Ground (2024)
Book Chapter
Couto, L. (in press). Surveying Domestic Abuse Victims: The Inimical Lack of Common Ground. In L. Huey, & D. Buil-Gil (Eds.), The Crime Data Handbook (304-315). Bristol: Bristol University Press

Owing to domestic abuse’s complexity, wherein a wide spectrum of behaviours can be subsumed, the subject has been studied in multiple fields (from health sciences to policing), and through different prisms (such as prevention, detection, and response... Read More about Surveying Domestic Abuse Victims: The Inimical Lack of Common Ground.

Emerging Technologies in Healthcare: Interpersonal and Client-Based Perspectives (2024)
Book Chapter
Killingback, C., & Naylor, J. (2024). Emerging Technologies in Healthcare: Interpersonal and Client-Based Perspectives. In C. M. Hayre, D. Muller, M. Scherer, P. M. Hackett, & A. Gordley-Smith (Eds.), Emerging Technologies in Healthcare Interpersonal and Client Based Perspectives. CRC Press.

Modern healthcare has made substantial strides in improving the health and well-being of people through technological advances. Despite such progress, there remains a sense that something may be missing. For example, there have been growing calls fro... Read More about Emerging Technologies in Healthcare: Interpersonal and Client-Based Perspectives.

Expropriations for Climate in Germany (2024)
Book Chapter
Lundmark, T., & Herrmann, S. (2024). Expropriations for Climate in Germany. In M. Habdas, B. Hoops, E. Marais, H. Mostert, J. Sluysmans, & L. Verstappen (Eds.), Rethinking Expropriation IV : Takings for Climate Justice and Resilience. Eleven International Publishing

This chapter, co-authored with Sebastian Herrmann, explores the constitutional and statute law of Germany regarding the climate and regarding the protection of private property in light of the extensive case decisions of the German courts, with a foc... Read More about Expropriations for Climate in Germany.

Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh (2024)
Book Chapter
Chowdhury, J. (2024). Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh. In N. S. Bui, & M. Malagodi (Eds.), Constitutional Amendments (367-388). Hart Publishing

This chapter considers Bangladesh’s constitutional amendment rules, politics and debates. It evaluates the history, nature and impact of Bangladeshi amendments from a functionalist perspective developed by Ngoc Son Bui – one of the two editors of thi... Read More about Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh.

Ethics for Operating Department Practitioners (2024)
Book Chapter
Daly, R., & Booth, H. (2024). Ethics for Operating Department Practitioners. In H. Abbott, & H. Booth (Eds.), Foundations for Operating Department Practice. Essential Theory for Professional Practice. (2). McGraw-Hill