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All Outputs (35)

Evaluation of different concentration doses of eugenol on the behaviour of Nephrops norvegicus (2015)
Journal Article
Cowing, D., Powell, A., & Johnson, M. (2015). Evaluation of different concentration doses of eugenol on the behaviour of Nephrops norvegicus. Aquaculture, 442, 78-85.

Eugenol was tested for use as an anaesthetic on Nephrops norvegicus at three different concentrations (300, 600, 900 μL/L). Monitoring included the time taken to reach each sedation stage. Sedation stage was assessed by passive behaviours and reactio... Read More about Evaluation of different concentration doses of eugenol on the behaviour of Nephrops norvegicus.

The first use of Fulton's K for assessing and comparing the conditions of inter-tidal fish populations (2014)
Journal Article
Barrett, C. J., Johnson, M., Hall, N. J., & Hull, S. (2016). The first use of Fulton's K for assessing and comparing the conditions of inter-tidal fish populations. Marine Ecology, 37(1), 42-45.

Fulton's K condition factor was applied, for the first time, to inter-tidal specimens of the shanny (Lipophrys pholis) and long-spined scorpion fish (Taurulus bubalis) from two English rocky shore and two Welsh rocky shore sites during summer 2010 an... Read More about The first use of Fulton's K for assessing and comparing the conditions of inter-tidal fish populations.

Diverging strategies to planning an ecologically coherent network of MPAs in the North Sea : The roles of advocacy, evidence and pragmatism in the face of uncertainty (2014)
Journal Article
Caveen, A. J., Fitzsimmons, C., Pieraccini, M., Dunn, E., Sweeting, C. J., Johnson, M. L., Bloomfield, H., Jones, E. V., Lightfoot, P., Gray, T. S., Stead, S. M., & Polunin, N. V. (2014). Diverging strategies to planning an ecologically coherent network of MPAs in the North Sea : The roles of advocacy, evidence and pragmatism in the face of uncertainty. Advances in Marine Biology, 69, 325-370.

The North Sea is one of the most economically important seas in the world due to productive fisheries, extensive oil and gas fields, busy shipping routes, marine renewable energy development and recreational activity. Unsurprisingly, therefore, the u... Read More about Diverging strategies to planning an ecologically coherent network of MPAs in the North Sea : The roles of advocacy, evidence and pragmatism in the face of uncertainty.

Linking eye design with host symbiont relationships in pontoniine shrimps (crustacea, decapoda, palaemonidae) (2014)
Journal Article
Dobson, N. C., De Grave, S., & Johnson, M. L. (2014). Linking eye design with host symbiont relationships in pontoniine shrimps (crustacea, decapoda, palaemonidae). PLoS ONE, 9(6), e99505.

Symbiosis is prevalent in the marine environment with many studies examining the effects of such interactions between host and symbiont. Pontoniine shrimps are a group whose ecology is characterised by symbiotic interactions. This investigation exami... Read More about Linking eye design with host symbiont relationships in pontoniine shrimps (crustacea, decapoda, palaemonidae).

Regional scale speciation reveals multiple invasions of freshwater in Palaemoninae (Decapoda) (2012)
Journal Article
Ashelby, C. W., Page, T. J., De Grave, S., Johnson, M. L., Hughes, J. M., & Johnson, M. (2012). Regional scale speciation reveals multiple invasions of freshwater in Palaemoninae (Decapoda). Zoologica Scripta, 41(3), 293-306.

The generic level, systematic relationship in Palaemoninae was inferred from analyses based on the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and nuclear Histone (H3) genes, primarily focussed on the genera Palaemon and Palaemonetes, as previous morphological and molecu... Read More about Regional scale speciation reveals multiple invasions of freshwater in Palaemoninae (Decapoda).

On the presence of Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 (Decapoda, Hippolytidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea (2011)
Journal Article
De Grave, S., & Johnson, M. (2011). On the presence of Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 (Decapoda, Hippolytidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Crustaceana, 84(9), 1149 - 1151.

The hippolytid genus Thorella Bruce, 1982 was described from specimens collected from Port Essington on the Cobourg Peninsula and a further location in Darwin, both in the Northern Territory (Australia), with Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 as the only... Read More about On the presence of Thorella cobourgi Bruce, 1982 (Decapoda, Hippolytidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea.

Experience matters: Females use smell to select experienced males for paternal care (2009)
Journal Article
Fletcher, N., Storey, E. J., Johnson, M., Reish, D. J., & Hardege, J. D. (2009). Experience matters: Females use smell to select experienced males for paternal care. PLoS ONE, 4(11), e7672.

Mate choice and mating preferences often rely on the information content of signals exchanged between potential partners. In species where a female's reproduction is the terminal event in life it is to be expected that females choose high quality mal... Read More about Experience matters: Females use smell to select experienced males for paternal care.

Egg-release behaviour in Antarctic krill (2009)
Journal Article
Tarling, G. A., Cuzin-Roudy, J., Wootton, K., & Johnson, M. (2009). Egg-release behaviour in Antarctic krill. Polar Biology, 32(8), 1187-1194.

The process of egg release is a complex and crucial step in the life cycle of euphausiids, especially with regards mortality and recruitment success. We examined this process in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in terms of the functioning of the f... Read More about Egg-release behaviour in Antarctic krill.

Influence of individual state on swimming capacity and behaviour of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba (2008)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. L., & Tarling, G. A. (2008). Influence of individual state on swimming capacity and behaviour of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Marine ecology progress series, 366, 99-110.

Swarms of Antarctic krill are frequently biased towards certain body sizes, sexes, maturities and physiological states. However, the mechanisms causing such biases remain unclear, with some speculating on differential responses to chemical or visual... Read More about Influence of individual state on swimming capacity and behaviour of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba.

Interactions between fangblennies (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus) and their potential victims: fooling the model rather than the client? (2005)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. L., & Hull, S. L. (2006). Interactions between fangblennies (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus) and their potential victims: fooling the model rather than the client?. Marine Biology, 148(4), 889-897.

Lepidophagous (scale-eating) blue-striped fangblennies (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus Bleeker 1852) are often found sympatrically with the bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus Valenciennes 1839). They have some resemblance to the juvenile L.... Read More about Interactions between fangblennies (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus) and their potential victims: fooling the model rather than the client?.

2000+ UK Shark tagging program: An angler led shark-tagging initiative in UK coastal waters (2005)
Journal Article
Drake, S. C., Drake, J. A., & Johnson, M. L. (2005). 2000+ UK Shark tagging program: An angler led shark-tagging initiative in UK coastal waters. Journal of Northwest Atlantic fishery science, 35, 233-238.

The "2000+ UK Shark tagging program" was originally developed by anglers in order to better understand the distribution and behaviour of their target species. By September 2002, 220 volunteer taggers measured, weighed and tagged 2 374 sharks. Despite... Read More about 2000+ UK Shark tagging program: An angler led shark-tagging initiative in UK coastal waters.