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All Outputs (167)

Determining the role of moral and global-local framing on the anti-consumption of halal endorsed products (2017)
Colmekcioglu, N. Determining the role of moral and global-local framing on the anti-consumption of halal endorsed products. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Increasingly pluralistic, multi-ethnic and diverse marketplaces have become an important and characteristic trend of globalised and developed economic marketplaces, the world over. Despite the obvious advantages of this marketplace multi-culturalism,... Read More about Determining the role of moral and global-local framing on the anti-consumption of halal endorsed products.

Three empirical studies on market efficiency – evidence from the Pakistan stock exchange (2017)
Ahmed, R. Three empirical studies on market efficiency – evidence from the Pakistan stock exchange. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The thesis is comprised of three interrelated empirical chapters on the Pakistan stock exchange which effects on the market efficiency. In the first empirical chapter, ‘Is the Market Efficient – Evidence from Pakistan stock exchange’. It is evaluatin... Read More about Three empirical studies on market efficiency – evidence from the Pakistan stock exchange.

Implicit and explicit attitudinal consequences of false autobiographical memories and beliefs (2017)
Howe, D. (. Implicit and explicit attitudinal consequences of false autobiographical memories and beliefs. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Previous research has reliably demonstrated that people can form false memories or beliefs of certain events from their personal past, and that these false memories and beliefs can have effects on attitudes and behaviour. When someone forms a false m... Read More about Implicit and explicit attitudinal consequences of false autobiographical memories and beliefs.

The effect of positive episodic simulation on future event predictions in non-depressed, dysphoric, and depressed individuals (2017)
Boland, J. The effect of positive episodic simulation on future event predictions in non-depressed, dysphoric, and depressed individuals. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Previous research demonstrates that depressed individuals have difficulties with prospection. For example, compared to non-depressed individuals, they predict negative events as more likely to happen, and positive events as less likely to happen, in... Read More about The effect of positive episodic simulation on future event predictions in non-depressed, dysphoric, and depressed individuals.

Near infrared fluorescence probes : towards applications in fluorescence guided surgery (2017)
Cheng, H. Y. Near infrared fluorescence probes : towards applications in fluorescence guided surgery. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Surgery has been a popular method for the treatment of cancers, in particular solid tumours; but the surgical margins for cancerous tissues are often indistinct and in most cases, the poor identification of residual cancer tissues can result in re-ex... Read More about Near infrared fluorescence probes : towards applications in fluorescence guided surgery.

Ambitwistor strings in ambitwistor space (2017)
Carabine, N. Ambitwistor strings in ambitwistor space. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis is a recount of the research I undertook in the academic year 2016-2017 and the background work I learned from reading and attending lecture courses. Sections 2 and 3 are background sections providing an introduction to the concepts and m... Read More about Ambitwistor strings in ambitwistor space.

Doctors' moral beliefs and public policy (2017)
Wardman, D. T. Doctors' moral beliefs and public policy. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

In this thesis, I address three related questions:

• First, suppose we legalise some controversial medical practice tomorrow. Should we respect the moral objections of those doctors who object to the practice? I argue that we should indeed respect... Read More about Doctors' moral beliefs and public policy.

Bio-signal data gathering, management and analysis within a patient-centred health care context (2017)
Munnoch, R. A. Bio-signal data gathering, management and analysis within a patient-centred health care context. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The healthcare service is under pressure to do more with less, and changing the way the service is modelled could be the key to saving resources and increasing efficacy. This change could be possible using patient-centric care models. This model woul... Read More about Bio-signal data gathering, management and analysis within a patient-centred health care context.

Development and evaluation of CXCR4 receptor targeted probes for medical imaging applications (2017)
Lee, R. E. Development and evaluation of CXCR4 receptor targeted probes for medical imaging applications. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The chemokine receptor CXCR4 has been shown to be overexpressed in over 23 different types of cancers, making it an attractive target for therapeutic and imaging agents. Molecular imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and sin... Read More about Development and evaluation of CXCR4 receptor targeted probes for medical imaging applications.

A comparative empirical investigation of business excellence models in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2017)
Alanazi, M. H. A comparative empirical investigation of business excellence models in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Business excellence theorising has produced more than 100 business excellence models (BEMs). They can be divided (according to their context of development and application) into two broad groups: a) universal (e.g., the Malcolm Baldrige National Qual... Read More about A comparative empirical investigation of business excellence models in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Optimising commerical practices and developing aquaculture techniques for the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery (2017)
Cowing, D. M. Optimising commerical practices and developing aquaculture techniques for the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Nephrops norvegicus (referred to as Nephrops) fishery is regarded as one of the most important fisheries around the UK, yet data suggest that landings are declining. The role of hatcheries for other crustacean species has proved useful for stock... Read More about Optimising commerical practices and developing aquaculture techniques for the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery.

Development of zirconium-89 chelators for use in positron emission tomography imaging (2017)
Jowanaridhi, B.-U. Development of zirconium-89 chelators for use in positron emission tomography imaging. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Positron emission tomography (PET) is used for non-invasive high sensitivity molecular imaging to diagnose diseases, to follow biological processes or to monitor treatment response. Immuno-PET is an imaging technique used to improve the visualisation... Read More about Development of zirconium-89 chelators for use in positron emission tomography imaging.

Development and application of a computational model for scour around offshore wind turbine foundations (2017)
Collins, C. Development and application of a computational model for scour around offshore wind turbine foundations. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There is a constant requirement to understand scour especially regarding its prevention, due to the potential impact and disastrous consequences. The installation of offshore wind turbines is haunted by scour mitigation and at the start of the offsho... Read More about Development and application of a computational model for scour around offshore wind turbine foundations.

Environmental DNA : from detection of priority invasive species to monitoring entire macroinvertebrate communities in freshwater ecosystems (2017)
Blackman, R. C. Environmental DNA : from detection of priority invasive species to monitoring entire macroinvertebrate communities in freshwater ecosystems. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened habitats on Earth, facing challenges from a range of anthropogenic pressures. Accurate biodiversity assessment is essential to identify these pressures prior to irreversible damage. Current monitori... Read More about Environmental DNA : from detection of priority invasive species to monitoring entire macroinvertebrate communities in freshwater ecosystems.

Contested pasts, forgotten voices : remembering and representing slavery in South Africa (2017)
North, S. Contested pasts, forgotten voices : remembering and representing slavery in South Africa. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The transition to democracy in South Africa after 1994 saw president Nelson Mandela proclaim South Africa a ‘rainbow nation’. This in theory signalled a new respect for diverse histories, which museums and other heritage projects were expected to ref... Read More about Contested pasts, forgotten voices : remembering and representing slavery in South Africa.

Electrochemical investigation of electron-transfer cascades for the development of solar energy conversion based on artificial photosynthesis (2017)
Alhasan, H. S. Electrochemical investigation of electron-transfer cascades for the development of solar energy conversion based on artificial photosynthesis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Natural Photosynthesis process is the source of life; it converts the sunlight into chemical energy. This process takes place in the chloroplast of the green plants in a sophisticated and complex pathway. It involves electron transfer cascades from t... Read More about Electrochemical investigation of electron-transfer cascades for the development of solar energy conversion based on artificial photosynthesis.

Advocacy NGOs, advocacy strategies and new participatory spaces : the case on Thai advocacy NGOs and the Xayaburi Dam Project (2017)
Banjongprasert, A. Advocacy NGOs, advocacy strategies and new participatory spaces : the case on Thai advocacy NGOs and the Xayaburi Dam Project. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Since 2006, plans for eleven hydropower dams on the Lower Mekong River’s mainstream have been revived. The expansion of mainstream dams on the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) has posed new challenges on Thai advocacy NGOs. Thai advocacy NGOs have long exper... Read More about Advocacy NGOs, advocacy strategies and new participatory spaces : the case on Thai advocacy NGOs and the Xayaburi Dam Project.

The experience of transition from high school to university : a qualitative exploration of perceptions of first year female students at King Saud University (2017)
Alshamrani, L. M. The experience of transition from high school to university : a qualitative exploration of perceptions of first year female students at King Saud University. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Student retention has been one of the critical areas affecting university staff and students. Efforts to understand and remedy this problem have drawn research attention to the issue of transition. This study explored the problems faced by first year... Read More about The experience of transition from high school to university : a qualitative exploration of perceptions of first year female students at King Saud University.

What determines the size of the informal economy? : an empirical evaluation of the role of institutions (2017)
Almabrok, J. M. J. What determines the size of the informal economy? : an empirical evaluation of the role of institutions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The informal economy comprises all economic activities that are unregistered or unregulated by the state. In the past 40-50 years the informal economy has grown globally and its emergence has implications for economic development and the formal econo... Read More about What determines the size of the informal economy? : an empirical evaluation of the role of institutions.