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Chemical abundances in bright giants of the globular cluster M62 (NGC 6266) (2014)
Journal Article
Yong, D., Alves Brito, A., Da Costa, G. S., Alonso-García, J., Karakas, A. I., Pignatari, M., Roederer, I. U., Aoki, W., Fishlock, C. K., Grundahl, F., & Norris, J. E. (2014). Chemical abundances in bright giants of the globular cluster M62 (NGC 6266). Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(3), 2638-2650.

With the exception of Terzan 5, all the Galactic globular clusters that possess significant metallicity spreads, such as ω Cen and M22, are preferentially the more luminous clusters with extended horizontal branches. Here we present radial velocities... Read More about Chemical abundances in bright giants of the globular cluster M62 (NGC 6266).

Near-field hyperspectral optical imaging (2014)
Journal Article
Bouillard, J. S. G., Dickson, W., Wurtz, G. A., & Zayats, A. V. (2014). Near-field hyperspectral optical imaging. Chemphyschem, 15(4), 619-629.

This Minireview presents an overview of near-field hyperspectral imaging and discusses its applications. Based on a fibre-tip probe, the hyperspectral near-field optical microscope allows the simultaneous acquisition of near-field images over a broad... Read More about Near-field hyperspectral optical imaging.

Baselines and Monitoring Methods for Detecting Impacts of Hydrodynamic Energy Extraction on Intertidal Communities of Rocky Shores (2014)
Book Chapter
Want, A., Beharie, R. A., Bell, M. C., & Side, J. C. (2014). Baselines and Monitoring Methods for Detecting Impacts of Hydrodynamic Energy Extraction on Intertidal Communities of Rocky Shores. In M. A. Shields, & A. I. L. Payne (Eds.), Marine Renewable Energy Technology and Environmental Interactions (21-38). Dordrecht: Springer.

As part of the UK government{\textquoteright}s objective to deliver an increasing proportion of electricity from renewable sources, West Mainland, Orkney, is at the forefront of the development of wave-energy extraction devices. Exposure to wave ener... Read More about Baselines and Monitoring Methods for Detecting Impacts of Hydrodynamic Energy Extraction on Intertidal Communities of Rocky Shores.

Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): UgrizYJHK sérsic luminosity functions and the cosmic spectral energy distribution by hubble type (2014)
Journal Article
Kelvin, L. S., Driver, S. P., Robotham, A. S. G., Graham, A. W., Phillipps, S., Agius, N. K., Alpaslan, M., Baldry, I., Bamford, S. P., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Brough, S., Brown, M. J. I., Colless, M., Conselice, C. J., Hopkins, A. M., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Norberg, P., Pimbblet, K. A., Popescu, C. C., …Tuffs, R. J. (2014). Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): UgrizYJHK sérsic luminosity functions and the cosmic spectral energy distribution by hubble type. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(2), 1245-1269.

We report the morphological classification of 3727 galaxies from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly survey with M r < -17.4 mag and in the redshift range 0.025 < z < 0.06 (2.1 × 10 5 Mpc 3 ) into E, S0-Sa, SB0-SBa, Sab-Scd, SBab-SBcd, Sd-Irr and little... Read More about Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): UgrizYJHK sérsic luminosity functions and the cosmic spectral energy distribution by hubble type.

Abjection and Representation: An Exploration of Abjection in the Visual Arts, Film and Literature (2014)
Arya, R. (2014). Abjection and Representation: An Exploration of Abjection in the Visual Arts, Film and Literature. Palgrave Macmillan.

Abjection and Representation is a theoretical investigation of the concept of abjection as expounded by Julia Kristeva in Powers of Horror (1982) and its application in various fields including the visual arts, film and literature. It examines the co... Read More about Abjection and Representation: An Exploration of Abjection in the Visual Arts, Film and Literature.

Squaring the circle: a new alternative to alternative-assessment (2014)
Journal Article
Williams, P. (2014). Squaring the circle: a new alternative to alternative-assessment. Teaching in higher education, 19(5), 565-577.

Many quality assurance systems rely on high-stakes assessment for course certification. Such methods are not as objective as they might appear; they can have detrimental effects on student motivation and may lack relevance to the needs of degree cour... Read More about Squaring the circle: a new alternative to alternative-assessment.

The room temperature phosphine-free synthesis of near-infrared emitting HgSe quantum dots (2014)
Journal Article
Mirzai, H., Nordin, M. N., Curry, R. J., Bouillard, J.-S., Zayats, A. V., & Green, M. (2014). The room temperature phosphine-free synthesis of near-infrared emitting HgSe quantum dots. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2(12), 2107-2111.

Luminescent mercury selenide (HgSe) quantum dots have been synthesised by a phosphine-free method using oleic acid as a capping agent. The modification of experimental conditions such as temperature resulted in particles of various sizes (15–100 nm)... Read More about The room temperature phosphine-free synthesis of near-infrared emitting HgSe quantum dots.

Effects of cervical muscle fatigue on the perception of the subjective vertical and horizontal (2014)
Journal Article
Gosselin, G., & Fagan, M. J. (2014). Effects of cervical muscle fatigue on the perception of the subjective vertical and horizontal. SpringerPlus, 3(1), Article 78.

Introduction: Cervical functional capacity outcome measures that are simple and reliable are urgently needed in order permit accurate assessment/reassessment during treatments and rehabilitation. Induced neck muscle fatigue has been shown to alter fu... Read More about Effects of cervical muscle fatigue on the perception of the subjective vertical and horizontal.

Chinese adolescents’ attitudes toward sexual relationships and premarital sex: Implications for promoting sexual health (2014)
Journal Article
Chang, Y., Hayter, M., & Lin, M. (2014). Chinese adolescents’ attitudes toward sexual relationships and premarital sex: Implications for promoting sexual health. Journal of School Nursing, 30(6), 420-429.

This study was designed to explore Taiwanese school students’ attitudes toward sexual relationships and premarital sex. This was an exploratory descriptive, qualitative study. Focus groups (N = 8) were conducted with 47 adolescents from three high sc... Read More about Chinese adolescents’ attitudes toward sexual relationships and premarital sex: Implications for promoting sexual health.

A vibrating cantilever footfall energy harvesting device (2014)
Journal Article
Gilbert, J. M., & Balouchi, F. (2014). A vibrating cantilever footfall energy harvesting device. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 25(14), 1738-1745.

Human footfall is an attractive source of energy for harvesting for low-power applications. However, the nature of footfall is poorly matched to electromagnetic generators. Footfall motion is characterised by high forces and low speeds, while electro... Read More about A vibrating cantilever footfall energy harvesting device.

A novel exoskeleton robotic system for hand rehabilitation - Conceptualization to prototyping (2014)
Journal Article
Iqbal, J., Khan, H., Tsagarakis, N. G., & Caldwell, D. G. (2014). A novel exoskeleton robotic system for hand rehabilitation - Conceptualization to prototyping. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 34(2), 79-89.

This research presents a novel hand exoskeleton rehabilitation device to facilitate tendon therapy exercises. The exoskeleton is designed to assist fingers flexion and extension motions in a natural manner. The proposed multi-Degree Of Freedom (DOF)... Read More about A novel exoskeleton robotic system for hand rehabilitation - Conceptualization to prototyping.

Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird (2014)
Journal Article
Tayeh, A., Estoup, A., Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Kirichenko, N., Lawson-Handley, L., De Clercq, P., & Facon, B. (2014). Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird. BMC evolutionary biology, 14(1), Article 15.

Cannibalism is widespread in both vertebrates and invertebrates but its extent is variable between and within species. Cannibalism depends on population density and nutritional conditions, and could be beneficial during colonisation of new... Read More about Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird.

Taylor's modularity conjecture holds for linear idempotent varieties (2014)
Journal Article
Bentz, W., & Sequeira, L. (2014). Taylor's modularity conjecture holds for linear idempotent varieties. Algebra universalis, 71(2), 101-107.

The “Modularity Conjecture” is the assertion that the join of two nonmodular varieties in the lattice of interpretability types is nonmodular. We establish the veracity of this conjecture for the case of linear idempotent varieties. We also establish... Read More about Taylor's modularity conjecture holds for linear idempotent varieties.

A RAVE investigation on Galactic open clusters: I. Radial velocities and metallicities (2014)
Journal Article
Conrad, C., Scholz, R.-D., Kharchenko, N. V., Piskunov, A. E., Schilbach, E., Röser, S., Boeche, C., Kordopatis, G., Siebert, A., Williams, M., Munari, U., Matijevič, G., Grebel, E. K., Zwitter, T., De Jong, R. S., Steinmetz, M., Gilmore, G., Seabroke, G., Freeman, K., Navarro, J. F., …Siviero, A. (2014). A RAVE investigation on Galactic open clusters: I. Radial velocities and metallicities. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 562, A54.

Context. Galactic open clusters (OCs) mainly belong to the young stellar population in the Milky Way disk, but are there groups and complexes of OCs that possibly define an additional level in hierarchical star formation? Current compilations are too... Read More about A RAVE investigation on Galactic open clusters: I. Radial velocities and metallicities.

Cytochrome b divergence between avian sister species is linked to generation length and body mass (2014)
Journal Article
Thomson, C. E., Gilbert, J. D. J., & Brooke, M. D. L. (2014). Cytochrome b divergence between avian sister species is linked to generation length and body mass. PLoS ONE, 9(2), Article e85006.

It is increasingly realised that the molecular clock does not tick at a constant rate. Rather, mitochondrial mutation rates are influenced by factors such as generation length and body mass. This has implications for the use of genetic data in specie... Read More about Cytochrome b divergence between avian sister species is linked to generation length and body mass.

Constraining isocurvature perturbations with the 21 cm emission from minihaloes (2014)
Journal Article
Takeuchi, Y., & Chongchitnan, S. (2014). Constraining isocurvature perturbations with the 21 cm emission from minihaloes. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(1), 1125-1135.

We investigate the effects of isocurvature perturbations on the 21 cm radiation from minihaloes (MHs) at high redshifts and examine constraints on the isocurvature amplitude and power spectrum using the next generation of radio telescopes such as the... Read More about Constraining isocurvature perturbations with the 21 cm emission from minihaloes.

The effect of cooling rate on the wear performance of a ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass (2014)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Fan, H., Wang, D., Sun, Y., Liu, F., Shen, J., Sun, J., & Mi, J. (2014). The effect of cooling rate on the wear performance of a ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass. Materials and Design, 58, 284-289.

In the present work, the local atomic ordering and the wear performance of ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass (BMG) samples with different diameters have been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) plus autocorrelation function analysis, and... Read More about The effect of cooling rate on the wear performance of a ZrCuAlAg bulk metallic glass.

Adsorption of benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride onto stainless steel using the quartz crystal microbalance and the depletion methods: An optimisation study (2014)
Journal Article
Salama, I. E., Binks, B. P., Fletcher, P. D. I., & Horsup, D. I. (2014). Adsorption of benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride onto stainless steel using the quartz crystal microbalance and the depletion methods: An optimisation study. Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects, 447, 155-165.

The adsorption behaviour of benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride (C12BDMAC) corrosion inhibitor from aqueous solutions onto a stainless steel surface has been investigated using the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique and the depletion-HPLC... Read More about Adsorption of benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride onto stainless steel using the quartz crystal microbalance and the depletion methods: An optimisation study.

Interactive design exploration for constrained meshes (2014)
Journal Article
Bouaziz, S., Deng, B., Deuss, M., Kaspar, A., Pauly, M., & Schwartzburg, Y. (2015). Interactive design exploration for constrained meshes. Computer aided design, 61, 13-23.

In architectural design, surface shapes are commonly subject to geometric constraints imposed by material, fabrication or assembly. Rationalization algorithms can convert a freeform design into a form feasible for production, but often require design... Read More about Interactive design exploration for constrained meshes.

Multimetallic complexes and functionalized gold nanoparticles based on a combination of d- and f-Elements (2014)
Journal Article
Stasiuk, G. J., Bell, J. D., Holmes, H., Sung, S., Toscani, A., Wainwright, L., White, A. J. P., & Wilton-Ely, J. D. E. T. (2014). Multimetallic complexes and functionalized gold nanoparticles based on a combination of d- and f-Elements. Inorganic chemistry, 53(4), 1989-2005.

The new DO3A-derived dithiocarbamate ligand, DO3A-ᵗBu-CS₂K, is formed by treatment of the ammonium salt [DO3A-ᵗBu]HBr with K₂CO₃ and carbon disulfide. DO3A-ᵗBu-CS₂K reacts with the ruthenium complexes cis-[RuCl₂(dppm)₂] and [Ru(CH═CHC₆H₄Me-4)Cl(CO)(B... Read More about Multimetallic complexes and functionalized gold nanoparticles based on a combination of d- and f-Elements.