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All Outputs (1348)

Investigating the effect of implementation languages and large problem sizes on the tractability and efficiency of sorting algorithms (2019)
Journal Article
Fagbola, T. M., & Thakur, S. C. (2019). Investigating the effect of implementation languages and large problem sizes on the tractability and efficiency of sorting algorithms. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 12(2), 196-203

Sorting is a data structure operation involving a re-arrangement of an unordered set of elements with witnessed real life applications for load balancing and energy conservation in distributed, grid and cloud computing environments. However, the rear... Read More about Investigating the effect of implementation languages and large problem sizes on the tractability and efficiency of sorting algorithms.

TERMHIGEN – A hybrid metaheuristic technique for solving large-scale vehicle routing problem with time windows (2019)
Journal Article
Fagbola, T. M., & Thakur, S. C. (2019). TERMHIGEN – A hybrid metaheuristic technique for solving large-scale vehicle routing problem with time windows. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 12(2), 180-195

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) involves traversing a coordinated set of vehicular paths such that a set of customers is visited once within a given time-stamped boundary. VRPTW poses a great challenge to logistics distribution and... Read More about TERMHIGEN – A hybrid metaheuristic technique for solving large-scale vehicle routing problem with time windows.

Resolution-aware Ensemble of Pose and Illumination-Invariant Feature Descriptors for Face Identification in Unconstrained Videos (2019)
Journal Article
Fagbola, T. M., & Thakur, C. S. (2019). Resolution-aware Ensemble of Pose and Illumination-Invariant Feature Descriptors for Face Identification in Unconstrained Videos. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 12(12), 3114-3126

The recurring global security insurgence has posed new opportunities for massive deployment of Video Surveillance Systems (VSS). However, videos captured by such systems suffer characterized Low Resolution (LR), varying illumination and pose challeng... Read More about Resolution-aware Ensemble of Pose and Illumination-Invariant Feature Descriptors for Face Identification in Unconstrained Videos.

The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy (2019)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2019). The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy. In J. Michie (Ed.), The Handbook of Globalisation (347-357). (3rd ed.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

The past 30 years are often depicted as an era of globalisation, and even more so with the recent rise of global giants such as Google and Amazon. This updated and revised edition of The Handbook of Globalisation offers novel insights into the rapid... Read More about The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy.

Gain-scheduled proportional integral derivative control of taxi model of unmanned aerial vehicles (2019)
Journal Article
Wasim, M., Ullah, M., & Iqbal, J. (2019). Gain-scheduled proportional integral derivative control of taxi model of unmanned aerial vehicles. Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques : Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique, 64(1), 75-80

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are extensively used for defense and surveillance applications. To ensure desirable performance under all conditions, a UAV requires an appropriate control strategy. For the design of control law, a complete understand... Read More about Gain-scheduled proportional integral derivative control of taxi model of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Experimental validation of an integral sliding mode-based LQG for the pitch control of a UAV-mimicking platform (2019)
Journal Article
Khan, S. G., Bendoukha, S., Naeem, W., & Iqbal, J. (2019). Experimental validation of an integral sliding mode-based LQG for the pitch control of a UAV-mimicking platform. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 17(3), 275-284.

In this paper, an enhanced Integral Sliding Mode-based Linear Quadratic Gaussian (ISM-LQG) controller has been proposed and verified in real-time on a Twin Rotor multi-input-multi-output MIMO System (TRMS). A TRMS serves as a suitable laboratorybased... Read More about Experimental validation of an integral sliding mode-based LQG for the pitch control of a UAV-mimicking platform.

Symptoms and exacerbations in asthma: an apparent paradox? (2019)
Journal Article
Morjaria, J. B., Rigby, A. S., & Morice, A. H. (2019). Symptoms and exacerbations in asthma: an apparent paradox?. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease, 10,

© The Author(s), 2019. Background: There is a dearth of data on prospectively recorded symptoms in patients with uncontrolled asthma. Asthma symptoms and exacerbation rate are commonly thought to be associated. The aim of this study was to analyse as... Read More about Symptoms and exacerbations in asthma: an apparent paradox?.

Safety netting for primary care: Evidence from a literature review (2019)
Journal Article
Jones, D., Dunn, L., Watt, I., & Macleod, U. (2019). Safety netting for primary care: Evidence from a literature review. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 69(678), E70-E79.

© British Journal of General Practice.
Background: Ensuring patient safety is vital in primary care. One mechanism to increase patient safety is through a practice known as safety netting. Safety netting is widely recommended in national guidelines;... Read More about Safety netting for primary care: Evidence from a literature review.

LungCARD - Report on worldwide research and clinical practices related to lung cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Jankovic, R., Goncalves, H. J., Cavic, M., Clemente, C., Lind, M., Carrasco, A. M., Nadifi, S., Khyatti, M., Adebambo, T., & Egamberdiev, D. (2019). LungCARD - Report on worldwide research and clinical practices related to lung cancer. Journal of BUON, 24(1), 11-19

© 2019 Zerbinis Publications. All Rights Reserved. Purpose: The management of advanced lung cancer has evolved tremendously over the past two decades. Increasing understanding of the molecular changes that drive tumor progression has transformed the... Read More about LungCARD - Report on worldwide research and clinical practices related to lung cancer.

The Evidential Value of National Regulatory Infringement Decisions for the Purposes of Private Damages Actions: Trying to Establish what Really Does “Follow-on” (2019)
Journal Article
Stirling, G. (2019). The Evidential Value of National Regulatory Infringement Decisions for the Purposes of Private Damages Actions: Trying to Establish what Really Does “Follow-on”. Global Competition Litigation Review, 12(4), 168-178

This article considers issues around the evidential value of final infringement decisions of national regulators and review courts for the purposes of follow-on damages actions, particularly in the context of Article 9(1) of the EU’s Antitrust Damage... Read More about The Evidential Value of National Regulatory Infringement Decisions for the Purposes of Private Damages Actions: Trying to Establish what Really Does “Follow-on”.

Cell proliferation detected using [18F]FLT PET/CT as an early marker of abdominal aortic aneurysm (2019)
Journal Article
Gandhi, R., Cawthorne, C., Craggs, L. J., Wright, J. D., Domarkas, J., He, P., Koch-Paszkowski, J., Shires, M., Scarsbrook, A. F., Archibald, S. J., Tsoumpas, C., & Bailey, M. A. (2019). Cell proliferation detected using [18F]FLT PET/CT as an early marker of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology,

© 2019, The Author(s). Background: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a focal aortic dilatation progressing towards rupture. Non-invasive AAA-associated cell proliferation biomarkers are not yet established. We investigated the feasibility of the cel... Read More about Cell proliferation detected using [18F]FLT PET/CT as an early marker of abdominal aortic aneurysm.

No excess harms from sustained-release morphine: A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Sbizzera, I., Fairhurst, C., Agar, M., Fazekas, B., Agar, M. R., Ekström, M., & Currow, D. C. (2019). No excess harms from sustained-release morphine: A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 10(4), 421-428.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. Objectives: We aimed to identify and evaluate: (1) treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAE (worse or new since baseline)) and the subgroup of... Read More about No excess harms from sustained-release morphine: A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness.

Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia (2019)
Journal Article
Rehman, S., Likupe, G., & Watson, R. (2019). Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia. Wikijournal of Medicine, 6(1), 6.

Aim: To evaluate the evidence published in systematic reviews on the effectiveness of interventions aimed at alleviating mealtime difficulties in older people with dementia. Background: Older people with dementia gradually lose their self-care abilit... Read More about Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia.

Experimental and analytic study of a hybrid solar/biomass rural heating system (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, X., Yang, J., Fan, Y., Zhao, X., Yan, R., Zhao, J., & Myers, S. (2019). Experimental and analytic study of a hybrid solar/biomass rural heating system. Energy, 116392.

© 2019 Elsevier Ltd This paper presents a dedicated analytic and experimental study of a hybrid solar/biomass space heating system incorporating a micro-channel solar thermal panels-array, a biomass boiler and a dedicated control algorithm. This syst... Read More about Experimental and analytic study of a hybrid solar/biomass rural heating system.

Dynamics and Deposition of Sediment-Bearing Multi- Pulsed Flows and Geological Implication (2019)
Journal Article
Ho, V. L., Dorrell, R. M., Keevil, G. M., Thomas, R. E., Burns, A. D., Baas, J. H., & McCaffrey, W. D. (2019). Dynamics and Deposition of Sediment-Bearing Multi- Pulsed Flows and Geological Implication. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 8(11), 1127-1139.

Copyright © 2019, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Previous studies on dilute, multi-pulsed, subaqueous saline flows have demonstrated that pulses will inevitably advect forwards to merge with the flow front. On the assumption that pulse mergin... Read More about Dynamics and Deposition of Sediment-Bearing Multi- Pulsed Flows and Geological Implication.

Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru (2019)
Journal Article
Mishenina, T., Pignatari, M., Gorbaneva, T., Travaglio, C., Côté, B., Thielemann, F.-K., & Soubiran, C. (2019). Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(2), 1697-1708.

© 2019 The Author(s). We present new observational data for the heavy elements molybdenum (Mo, Z = 42) and ruthenium (Ru, Z = 44) in F-, G-, and K-stars belonging to different substructures of the Milky Way. The range of metallicity covered is -1.0 <... Read More about Enrichment of the Galactic disc with neutron-capture elements: Mo and Ru.

Critical policy discourse analysis (2019)
Montesano Montessori, N., Farrelly, M., & Mulderrig, J. (Eds.). (2019). Critical policy discourse analysis. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

© Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Michael Farrelly and Jane Mulderrig 2019. All rights reserved. This book provides a series of contemporary and international policy case studies analysed through discursive methodological approaches in the traditions... Read More about Critical policy discourse analysis.

Concluding remarks on critical policy discourse analysis (2019)
Book Chapter
Farrelly, M., Montessori, N. M., & Mulderrig, J. (2019). Concluding remarks on critical policy discourse analysis. In N. Montesano Montessori, M. Farrelly, & J. Mulderrig (Eds.), Critical policy discourse analysis (264-270). Edward Elgar Publishing

Introducing critical policy discourse analysis (2019)
Book Chapter
Farrelly, M., Mulderrig, J., & Montessori, N. M. (2019). Introducing critical policy discourse analysis. In N. Montesano Montessori, M. Farrelly, & J. Mulderrig (Eds.), Critical discourse policy analysis (1-22). Edward Elgar Publishing

The construction of belonging and otherness in heritage events (2019)
Book Chapter
Clopot, C., & McCullagh, C. (2019). The construction of belonging and otherness in heritage events. In U. Kockel, C. Clopot, B. Tjarve, & M. Nic Craith (Eds.), Heritage and Festivals in Europe: Performing Identities (47-62). Routledge.

© 2020 selection and editorial matter, Ullrich Kockel, Cristina Clopot, Baiba Tjarve and Máiréad Nic Craith. This chapter focuses on concepts of identity-work that reflect a binary process of expressing self-identification, and thus belonging, while... Read More about The construction of belonging and otherness in heritage events.