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The Repository@Hull is intended to be an Open Access showcase for the published research output of the university. Whenever possible, refereed documents accepted for publication, or finished artistic compositions presented in public, will be made available here in full digital format, and hyperlinks to standard published versions will be provided.

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Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE (2022)
Journal Article
Findley, D. M., Bankoff, G., Barretto-Tesoro, G., Hamilton, R., Kay, A. U., Acabado, S., Amano, N., Kaplan, J. O., & Roberts, P. (2022). Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, Article 680926.

Land use modelling is increasingly used by archaeologists and palaeoecologists seeking to quantify and compare the changing influence of humans on the environment. In Southeast Asia, the intensification of rice agriculture and the arrival of European... Read More about Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE.

The relations of job stress dimensions to safety climate and accidents occurrence among the workers (2021)
Journal Article
Khoshakhlagh, A. H., Yazdanirad, S., Hatamnejad, Y., Khatooni, E., Kabir, S., & Tajpoor, A. (2021). The relations of job stress dimensions to safety climate and accidents occurrence among the workers. Heliyon, 7(9), Article e08082.

Based on a literature review, likely, there is a relationship between job stress and safety climate, and in this way, the accident occurrence is affected. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the relations of job stress dimensions to... Read More about The relations of job stress dimensions to safety climate and accidents occurrence among the workers.

Breast cancer treatment and survival differences in women in remote and socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, as demonstrated by linked data from New South Wales (NSW), Australia (2021)
Journal Article
Buckley, E., Elder, E., McGill, S., Kargar, Z. S., Li, M., Roder, D., & Currow, D. (2021). Breast cancer treatment and survival differences in women in remote and socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, as demonstrated by linked data from New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Breast cancer research and treatment, 188, 547-560.

Introduction: Reducing variations in cancer treatment and survival is a key aim of the NSW Cancer Plan. Variations in breast cancer treatment and survival in NSW by remoteness and socioeconomic status of residence were investigated to determine bench... Read More about Breast cancer treatment and survival differences in women in remote and socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, as demonstrated by linked data from New South Wales (NSW), Australia.

Provenance of late Pleistocene loess in central and eastern Europe: isotopic evidence for dominant local sediment sources (2025)
Journal Article
Fenn, K., Millar, I. L., Bird, A., Veres, D., & Wagner, D. (2025). Provenance of late Pleistocene loess in central and eastern Europe: isotopic evidence for dominant local sediment sources. Scientific reports, 15(1), Article 1624.

Loess profiles along the Danube River provide a record of long-term Quaternary dust (loess) deposition in central-eastern Europe. Here, Sr-Nd isotopic data from four loess-palaeosol profiles (47 samples) spanning the last two-glacial-interglacial cyc... Read More about Provenance of late Pleistocene loess in central and eastern Europe: isotopic evidence for dominant local sediment sources.

Why do acute healthcare staff behave unprofessionally towards each other and how these behaviours can be reduced: A realist review (2024)
Journal Article
Aunger, J. A., Abrams, R., Westbrook, J., Wright, J., Pearson, M., Jones, A., Mannion, R., & Maben, J. (2024). Why do acute healthcare staff behave unprofessionally towards each other and how these behaviours can be reduced: A realist review. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 25(12),

Background: Unprofessional behaviour in healthcare systems can negatively impact staff well-being, patient safety and organisational costs. Unprofessional behaviour encompasses a range of behaviours, including incivility, microaggressions, harassment... Read More about Why do acute healthcare staff behave unprofessionally towards each other and how these behaviours can be reduced: A realist review.