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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Nigeria: Lessons from Bangladesh’s ‘Nature Based Solution’ Approach (2025)
Journal Article
Falade, O. D., & Chowdhury, J. (2025). Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Nigeria: Lessons from Bangladesh’s ‘Nature Based Solution’ Approach. University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law & Policy, 9(1), 1-23

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 6 is about ensuring adequate and quality water for all by 2030. However, there are concerns that Nigeria will not achieve SDG 6 as its efforts to ensure quality water have proved abortive. Nig... Read More about Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Nigeria: Lessons from Bangladesh’s ‘Nature Based Solution’ Approach.

The Emerging Legal Framework for Ecological Restoration under International Environmental Law (2024)
Book Chapter
Nsoh, W., & Muzan, M. (2024). The Emerging Legal Framework for Ecological Restoration under International Environmental Law. In R. C. Brears, & J. Lindley (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on Environmental Policy and Law. Palgrave Macmillan (part of Springer Nature).

Ecological restoration has only become legal as an international environmental law (IEL) obligation within the last half-century. However, the practice of ecological restoration is not an entirely new phenomenon historically. The evolution of the int... Read More about The Emerging Legal Framework for Ecological Restoration under International Environmental Law.

Can a human right to good mental health be justified? (2024)
Journal Article
Bielby, P. (2024). Can a human right to good mental health be justified?. Bioethics, 38(8), 733-740.

Can a human right to good mental health be justified? This is an under-explored question: until recently, rights in relation to mental health have been framed and debated primarily in terms of their relevance to psychosocial disability and mental ill... Read More about Can a human right to good mental health be justified?.

The International Procurement Instrument: a device to protect or to equalise the playing field. (2024)
Journal Article
Bovis, C. (in press). The International Procurement Instrument: a device to protect or to equalise the playing field. The Company Lawyer,

European and British companies face restrictions in accessing markets in third countries. The purpose of the IPI Instrument, as a commercial policy instrument, is to restrict access to the EU internal market, including the area of public contracts, f... Read More about The International Procurement Instrument: a device to protect or to equalise the playing field..

It’s not ok to not be ok . . . when you’re a prison governor:The impact of workplace culture on prison governors’ wellbeing in England, Scotland and Wales (2024)
Journal Article
Nichols, H., Saunders, G., Harrison, K., Mason, R., Smith, L., & Hall, L. (2024). It’s not ok to not be ok . . . when you’re a prison governor:The impact of workplace culture on prison governors’ wellbeing in England, Scotland and Wales. Incarceration, 5, 1-19.

The wellbeing of prison governors has received little attention in penological research to date. The findings of this research reveal that governors’ wellbeing is negatively impacted by a dominant Masculinity Contest Culture (MCC) permeating through... Read More about It’s not ok to not be ok . . . when you’re a prison governor:The impact of workplace culture on prison governors’ wellbeing in England, Scotland and Wales.

Globalization of American Interpretation Debate: Originalists, Living Constitutionalists, and the Drifters (2024)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, M. J. A., & Ahmed, J. (in press). Globalization of American Interpretation Debate: Originalists, Living Constitutionalists, and the Drifters. The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 8, Article 7

The American Debate on originalism and living constitutionalism has travelled worldwide. This paper examines four Western and six South and Southeast Asian jurisdictions and argues that the modalities of the Debate there reflect their party systems,... Read More about Globalization of American Interpretation Debate: Originalists, Living Constitutionalists, and the Drifters.

Reappraising Reprisals Against Enemy Civilians in Customary International Humanitarian Law (2024)
Journal Article
Moir, L. (2024). Reappraising Reprisals Against Enemy Civilians in Customary International Humanitarian Law. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 15(2),

Belligerent reprisals are a controversial and largely discredited mechanism for the enforcement of international humanitarian law. Additional Protocol I of 1977 prohibits a range of reprisal activity, including reprisals against enemy civilians. A (r... Read More about Reappraising Reprisals Against Enemy Civilians in Customary International Humanitarian Law.

Universals of legal reasoning by judges: A plea for candour in decision-making (2024)
Lundmark, T. (2024). Universals of legal reasoning by judges: A plea for candour in decision-making. Oxford University Press.

Universals in Legal Reasoning by Judges explores and expounds the usage of rules to justify judicial decisions. Inspired by Savigny's canons of interpretation, and informed by the author's years of study and teaching in Germany, the book constructs a... Read More about Universals of legal reasoning by judges: A plea for candour in decision-making.

Expropriations for Climate in Germany (2024)
Book Chapter
Lundmark, T., & Herrmann, S. (2024). Expropriations for Climate in Germany. In M. Habdas, B. Hoops, E. Marais, H. Mostert, J. Sluysmans, & L. Verstappen (Eds.), Rethinking Expropriation IV : Takings for Climate Justice and Resilience. Eleven International Publishing

This chapter, co-authored with Sebastian Herrmann, explores the constitutional and statute law of Germany regarding the climate and regarding the protection of private property in light of the extensive case decisions of the German courts, with a foc... Read More about Expropriations for Climate in Germany.

Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh (2024)
Book Chapter
Chowdhury, J. Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh. In N. S. Bui, & M. Malagodi (Eds.), Constitutional Amendments (367-388). Hart Publishing

This chapter considers Bangladesh’s constitutional amendment rules, politics and debates. It evaluates the history, nature and impact of Bangladeshi amendments from a functionalist perspective developed by Ngoc Son Bui – one of the two editors of thi... Read More about Amendment Rules, Politics and Debates in Bangladesh.