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Outputs (72)

Crisis, what crisis? Replicability of the key measurement characteristics of the Australian version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) (2020)
Journal Article
Martin, C., Jefford, E., & Hollins Martin, C. (in press). Crisis, what crisis? Replicability of the key measurement characteristics of the Australian version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R). International journal of childbirth,

Background: Behavioural and medical science is currently in the grip of a ‘replication crisis’, circumscribed by the failure to replicate a large proportion of key studies and a consequential impact on confidence in the veracity of the scientific me... Read More about Crisis, what crisis? Replicability of the key measurement characteristics of the Australian version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R).

Pre- and during-labour predictors of low birth satisfaction among Iranian women: a prospective analytical study (2020)
Journal Article
Nahaee, J., Mohammad-Alizadeh-Charandabi, S., Abbas-Alizadeh, F., Martin, C., Hollins Martin, C. J., Mirghafourvand, M., & Hassankhani, H. (2020). Pre- and during-labour predictors of low birth satisfaction among Iranian women: a prospective analytical study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), Article 408.

Maternal childbirth dissatisfaction has short- and long-term negative effects on the mothers’ health and life, as well as on relation with her child and family. Due to lack of studies in Iran and other counties, we aimed to determine pre-... Read More about Pre- and during-labour predictors of low birth satisfaction among Iranian women: a prospective analytical study.

Measuring women's experiences of childbirth using the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) (2020)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C., Martinez, L. J., & Martin, C. (2020). Measuring women's experiences of childbirth using the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R). British Journal of Midwifery, 28(5), 306-312.

© 2020 MA Healthcare Ltd. Birth satisfaction relates to women's perceptions of their childbirth experience, with importance placed on the midwife to improve standards of the intranatal care provided. With evaluating intranatal care in mind, this pape... Read More about Measuring women's experiences of childbirth using the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R).

Pregnant with fear (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, C., Martin, C., Marshall, C., & Jomeen, J. (2020). Pregnant with fear. Community Practitioner, 93(1), 26-32

Midwives’ views of changing to a Continuity of Midwifery Care (CMC) model in Scotland: a baseline survey (2019)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J., MacArthur, J., Martin, C. R., & McInnes, R. J. (2020). Midwives’ views of changing to a Continuity of Midwifery Care (CMC) model in Scotland: a baseline survey. Women and Birth, 33(5), e409-e419.

© 2019 Background: There is good evidence that Continuity of Midwifery Care (CMC) is associated with improved clinical outcomes, greater maternal satisfaction, and improved work experiences for midwives. Changes made to the organisation require caref... Read More about Midwives’ views of changing to a Continuity of Midwifery Care (CMC) model in Scotland: a baseline survey.

How mothers feel: validation of a measure of maternal mood (2019)
Journal Article
Savage McGlynn, E., Martin, C., & Redshaw, M. (2020). How mothers feel: validation of a measure of maternal mood. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 26(4), 1242-1249.

© 2019 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Rationale: Low mood may affect developing relationships with a new baby, partner and family. Early identification of mood disturbance is crucial to im... Read More about How mothers feel: validation of a measure of maternal mood.

The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers (2019)
Journal Article
Omani-Samani, R., Hollins Martin, C. J., Martin, C. R., Maroufizadeh, S., Ghaheri, A., & Navid, B. (2021). The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, 34(11), 1827-1831.

Objective: Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI) is a short selfreport instrument designed to measure satisfaction of the childbearing women’s experiences of labour and its outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability... Read More about The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers.

Women’s experiences of maternity care in England: preliminary development of a standard measure (2019)
Journal Article
Redshaw, M., Martin, C. R., Savage-Mcglynn, E., & Harrison, S. (2019). Women’s experiences of maternity care in England: preliminary development of a standard measure. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19(1), Article 167.

Background: As maternity services evolve and the population of women served also changes, there is a continuing need to effectively document the views of women with recent experience of care. A woman's maternity experience can have a positive or nega... Read More about Women’s experiences of maternity care in England: preliminary development of a standard measure.

Validation of the Hebrew Birth Satisfaction Scale–Revised (BSS-R) and its relationship to perceived traumatic labour (2019)
Journal Article
Skvirsky, V., Taubman–Ben-Ari, O., Hollins Martin, C. J., & Martin, C. R. (2020). Validation of the Hebrew Birth Satisfaction Scale–Revised (BSS-R) and its relationship to perceived traumatic labour. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology, 38(2), 214-220.

Objective and background: The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) is a multi-dimensional measure which is recommended by international clinical guidelines for global use as the birth satisfaction outcome measure of choice. The current investigat... Read More about Validation of the Hebrew Birth Satisfaction Scale–Revised (BSS-R) and its relationship to perceived traumatic labour.

Psychometric evaluation of the Perinatal Illness Perceptions Scale (PIPS) (2018)
Journal Article
Jomeen, J., Martin, C. R., & Jarrett, P. M. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of the Perinatal Illness Perceptions Scale (PIPS). Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 14(2), 74-85.

Purpose: Perinatal mental health (PMH), is acknowledged as a significant public health issue associated with significant personal, family, social and economic burden. Research demonstrates that healthcare practitioners lack knowledge and confidence i... Read More about Psychometric evaluation of the Perinatal Illness Perceptions Scale (PIPS).