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Outputs (3)

Postpartum Psychosis: the Role of Psychosocial Factors and the Experience of Fertility Decision-Making (2024)
Arkle, P. (2024). Postpartum Psychosis: the Role of Psychosocial Factors and the Experience of Fertility Decision-Making. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
The systematic literature review explored the role of psychosocial factors in women’s experiences of postpartum psychosis (PP) using qualitative research. A themati... Read More about Postpartum Psychosis: the Role of Psychosocial Factors and the Experience of Fertility Decision-Making.

The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others (2019)
Journal Article
Watkins, S., Gupta, A., & Sanderson, C. (in press). The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others. Psychosis, 1-10.

Objective: There is evidence to suggest that close social networks and wider social influences have a significant impact on people who hear voices. The aim of this research was to explore people’s experiences of talking about voice hearing with famil... Read More about The experience of talking about hearing voices with family, friends, and others.

A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations (2018)
Journal Article
Dixon, L., Sanderson, C., Alexander, T., & Holt, L. (2018). A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 08(03), Article 343.

Objectives: Hallucinations can be traumatic. However, research into 'post-traumatic growth' in relation to hallucinations is scarce. This study aims to further our understanding of personal growth in the context of hallucinations. Design: A phenomeno... Read More about A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations.