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Outputs (3)

“I never thought I could do that…”: Findings from an Alexander Technique pilot group for older people with a fear of falling. (2017)
Journal Article
Glover, L., Kinsey, D., Clappison, D. J., Gardiner, E., & Jomeen, J. (2018). “I never thought I could do that…”: Findings from an Alexander Technique pilot group for older people with a fear of falling. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 17, 79-85.

© 2017 Elsevier GmbH Introduction Fear of falling is a major problem facing the health care system. No clear evidence exists as to the most effective management approach although a need for both psychological and physical intervention is recognised.... Read More about “I never thought I could do that…”: Findings from an Alexander Technique pilot group for older people with a fear of falling..

When is better really better? Individuals' experiences of treatment for OAB with anticholinergic medication (2016)
Journal Article
Kinsey, D., Alexander, T., Glover, L., Pretorius, S., Kraus, S., & Duggan, P. (2017). When is better really better? Individuals' experiences of treatment for OAB with anticholinergic medication. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 11(1), 42-51.

Overactive bladder (OAB) has been found to have a number of psychological consequences, including anxiety, depression and shame. However, there is little research on how drug treatment, which has been found to be effective at reducing physical sympto... Read More about When is better really better? Individuals' experiences of treatment for OAB with anticholinergic medication.

Interventions in foster and kinship care: A systematic review (2012)
Journal Article
Kinsey, D., & Schlösser, A. (2013). Interventions in foster and kinship care: A systematic review. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 18(3), 429-463.

Foster care is a complex setting in which to provide therapeutic interventions due to the high rates of difficulty, poor outcomes and high numbers of professionals and carers involved. This systematic review aims to examine interventions that have be... Read More about Interventions in foster and kinship care: A systematic review.