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Outputs (44)

Assessing women's perinatal psychological health: exploring the experiences of health visitors (2013)
Journal Article
Jomeen, J., Glover, L., Jones, C., Garg, D., & Marshall, C. (2013). Assessing women's perinatal psychological health: exploring the experiences of health visitors. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology, 31(5), 479-489.

Objective: This study aimed to explore health visitors' (HVs) experiences of the assessment of women with psychological distress and mental health problems across the perinatal period in clinical practice. Background: In international contexts, there... Read More about Assessing women's perinatal psychological health: exploring the experiences of health visitors.

Targeted group-based interventions in schools to promote emotional well-being: a systematic review (2013)
Journal Article
Cheney, G., Schlösser, A., Nash, P., & Glover, L. (2014). Targeted group-based interventions in schools to promote emotional well-being: a systematic review. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 19(3), 412-438.

The school environment offers significant opportunities to deliver psychological interventions to groups of young people in the UK. However, the nature and effectiveness of programmes are not consistently documented. This systematic review aimed to i... Read More about Targeted group-based interventions in schools to promote emotional well-being: a systematic review.

Exploring the psychological processes underlying touch: lessons from the Alexander Technique (2012)
Journal Article
Jones, T., & Glover, L. (2014). Exploring the psychological processes underlying touch: lessons from the Alexander Technique. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 21(2), 140-153.

The experience of touch is significant; both in its positive implications and in how it attracts caution and controversy. Accordingly, physical contact within psychological therapy has been shown to improve well-being and the therapeutic relationship... Read More about Exploring the psychological processes underlying touch: lessons from the Alexander Technique.

Finding the unexpected: an account of a writing group for women with chronic pelvic pain (2012)
Journal Article
Evans, K., & Glover, L. (2012). Finding the unexpected: an account of a writing group for women with chronic pelvic pain. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 25(2), 95-103.

The focus of this article is on a creative writing group developed for women with chronic pelvic pain. The authors address whether their experiences have anything to say about how creative writing sits within the current Western health paradigm and i... Read More about Finding the unexpected: an account of a writing group for women with chronic pelvic pain.

What does having a fertility problem mean to couples? (2009)
Journal Article
Glover, L., McLellan, A., & Weaver, S. M. (2009). What does having a fertility problem mean to couples?. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology, 27(4), 401-418.

The meaning of fertility problems for couples and how partners differed in their appraisals of their fertility problems were the main areas of interest in this research. Ten couples recruited via an infertility clinic took part in semi-structured int... Read More about What does having a fertility problem mean to couples?.

Lower urinary tract symptoms in men: self-perceptions and the concept of bother (2005)
Journal Article
Gannon, K., Glover, L., O'Neill, M., & Emberton, M. (2005). Lower urinary tract symptoms in men: self-perceptions and the concept of bother. BJU international, 96(6), 823-827.

OBJECTIVE To explore the meaning that men attach to their experiences of having lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and to understand 'bother' in the context of those meanings. PATIENTS AND METHODS Sixteen men with symptoms suggestive of LUTS and/or... Read More about Lower urinary tract symptoms in men: self-perceptions and the concept of bother.