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Can training community mental health nurses to support family carers reduce behavioural problems in dementia? An exploratory pragmatic randomised controlled trial (2008)
Journal Article
Moniz-Cook, E., Elston, C., Gardiner, E., Agar, S., Silver, M., Win, T., & Wang, M. (2008). Can training community mental health nurses to support family carers reduce behavioural problems in dementia? An exploratory pragmatic randomised controlled trial. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 23(2), 185-191.

Background: Community mental health nurses (CMHNs) are the backbone of specialist mental health services in the UK. This study evaluated the effects of training CMHNs in a systematic psychosocial intervention (PSI), to help family carers manage behav... Read More about Can training community mental health nurses to support family carers reduce behavioural problems in dementia? An exploratory pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

Returning home after intensive care: a comparison of symptoms of anxiety and depression in ICU and elective cardiac surgery patients and their relatives (2004)
Journal Article
Young, E., Eddleston, J., Ingleby, S., Streets, J., McJanet, L., Wang, M., & Glover, L. (2005). Returning home after intensive care: a comparison of symptoms of anxiety and depression in ICU and elective cardiac surgery patients and their relatives. Intensive care medicine, 31(1), 86-91.

Objective: This study gathered data on symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients and relatives after discharge from intensive care and examined whether the intensive care population differ from an elective cardiac surgery group with regards to t... Read More about Returning home after intensive care: a comparison of symptoms of anxiety and depression in ICU and elective cardiac surgery patients and their relatives.