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Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion (2024)
Cheung-Cook, T. (2024). Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis portfolio comprises three parts:
Part One: Systematic Literature Review
Part One is a systematic review of the literature regarding social rank changes following compassion-based interventions. This review contributes to the evidence su... Read More about Social rank and psychological distress: understanding the protective role of compassion.

The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS (2017)
Journal Article
Henshall, L. E., Alexander, T., Molyneux, P., Gardiner, E., & McLellan, A. (2018). The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 25(2), 231-249.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The National Health Service (NHS) is known to be a challenging place to work, with financial and performance targets placing increasing pressure on the organisation. This study aimed to investigate whether these press... Read More about The relationship between perceived organisational threat and compassion for others: Implications for the NHS.

The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review (2016)
Journal Article
Callebaut, L., Molyneux, P., & Alexander, T. (2017). The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 24(4), 965-986.

Objective: Past literature presents contrasting perspectives regarding the potential influence of self-blame on adjustment to illness. This systematic literature review aimed to summarise findings from all investigations to date that have explored th... Read More about The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review.

Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health-care settings (1999)
Journal Article
Molyneux, P., Emerson, E., & Caine, A. (1999). Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health-care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12(1), 46-57.

The prescription of psychotropic drugs to people with intellectual disabilities was examined in 357 people with intellectual disabilities served by 57 GPs. The results of the survey indicated that (1) 21% of adults with intellectual disabilities were... Read More about Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health-care settings.

The clinical skills of community psychiatric nurses working with patients who have severe and enduring mental health problems: an empirical analysis (1998)
Journal Article
Devane, S. M., Haddock, G., Lancashire, S., Baguley, I., Butterworth, T., Tarrier, N., James, A., & Molyneux, P. (1998). The clinical skills of community psychiatric nurses working with patients who have severe and enduring mental health problems: an empirical analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 27(2), 253-260.

This study describes the use of reliable scales to rate the clinical skills of mental health nurses when working with individuals and families with severe mental health problems. The Cognitive Therapy Scale and the Schizophrenia Family Work Scale wer... Read More about The clinical skills of community psychiatric nurses working with patients who have severe and enduring mental health problems: an empirical analysis.

An audit of costs and outcome using HoNOS-3 in a rehabilitation team: a pilot study (1997)
Journal Article
Brooker, C., Molyneux, P., Deverill, M., & Repper, J. (1997). An audit of costs and outcome using HoNOS-3 in a rehabilitation team: a pilot study. Journal of Mental Health, 6(5), 491-502.

Tameside and Glossop Rehabilitation Team have developed a progressive and targeted service through the systematic implementation of research-based evidence in practice and service configuration. This study was independently commissioned from a small... Read More about An audit of costs and outcome using HoNOS-3 in a rehabilitation team: a pilot study.