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Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness (2021)
Journal Article
Deluca, P., Coulton, S., Alam, M. F., Boniface, S., Cohen, D., Donoghue, K., Gilvarry, E., Kaner, E., Maconochie, I., McArdle, P., McGovern, R., Newbury-Birch, D., Patton, R., Pellatt-Higgins, T., Phillips, C., Phillips, T., Pockett, R. D., Russell, I., Strang, J., & Drummond, C. (in press). Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. International Journal of Drug Policy, Article 103113.

© 2021 Background: Alcohol consumption and related harm increase rapidly from the age of 12 years. We evaluated whether alcohol screening and brief intervention is effective and cost-effective in delaying hazardous or harmful drinking amongst low-ris... Read More about Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.