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Outputs (11)

The Meaning and Experience of Gratitude for People Living with Dementia (2021)
Journal Article
Pearson, M., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (2022). The Meaning and Experience of Gratitude for People Living with Dementia. Dementia, 21(1), 335-352.

Supporting people to live well with dementia is an international government priority. People living with dementia experience a range of positive emotions despite the challenges associated with dementia. Further research is needed to explor... Read More about The Meaning and Experience of Gratitude for People Living with Dementia.

Making the mundane remarkable: an ethnography of the ‘dignity encounter’ in community district nursing (2021)
Journal Article
Stevens, E., Price, E., & Walker, E. (in press). Making the mundane remarkable: an ethnography of the ‘dignity encounter’ in community district nursing. Ageing and Society,

The concept of dignity is core to community district nursing practice, yet it is profoundly complex with multiple meanings and interpretations. Dignity does not exist absolutely, but, rather, becomes socially (de)constructed through and within social... Read More about Making the mundane remarkable: an ethnography of the ‘dignity encounter’ in community district nursing.

The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs (2021)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., White, C., Dunn, R., Cunnah, K., Howe, D., Paulson, K., Platt, R., & Thorpe, J. (2022). The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs. Dementia, 21(1), 94-113.

Background: Current policy emphasises the role of digital technologies in facilitating the management of long-term conditions. While digital resources have been developed for carers, there has been little attention to their development for people wit... Read More about The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs.

Mothers’ experience of Intensive Interaction (2021)
Journal Article
Berridge, S., & Hutchinson, N. (2021). Mothers’ experience of Intensive Interaction. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 26(2), 391-406.

There is limited research into parents’ experiences of Intensive Interaction. Despite this, there are parents who use it and may hold unique experiences. Exploring this could provide insight into how to support parents using Intensive Interaction. Si... Read More about Mothers’ experience of Intensive Interaction.

Getting our terminology right: the power of language (2021)
Journal Article
James, I., Reichelt, K., Duffy, F., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2021). Getting our terminology right: the power of language. Journal of Dementia Care, 29(2), 24-27

For over 25 years, the term challenging behaviour (CB) has been used to describe agitation and other “distressed” behaviours associated with dementia (Stokes 2000). But such is the power of language and the importance of getting our terminology right... Read More about Getting our terminology right: the power of language.

Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia : a new framework for holistic understanding and non-pharmacological management (2021)
Journal Article
James, I. A., Gray, K., Moniz-Cook, E., Lee, K., Reichelt, K., & Richardson, J. (2022). Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia : a new framework for holistic understanding and non-pharmacological management. BJPsych Advances, 28(1), 11-20.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) informs us that the first-line treatments for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are non-pharmacological. Although psychotropics used to be the main strategy in the m... Read More about Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia : a new framework for holistic understanding and non-pharmacological management.

The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia (2021)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Moniz-Cook, E., Dunn, R., Gove, D., & Diaz-Ponce, A. (2021). The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(4), 1992-2001.

Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the opinions of people with dementia, about the language used to describe changes in behaviour associated with dementia. Design: This study adopted a human rights approach in a mixed methods convergent paral... Read More about The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia.

Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness (2021)
Journal Article
Deluca, P., Coulton, S., Alam, M. F., Boniface, S., Cohen, D., Donoghue, K., Gilvarry, E., Kaner, E., Maconochie, I., McArdle, P., McGovern, R., Newbury-Birch, D., Patton, R., Pellatt-Higgins, T., Phillips, C., Phillips, T., Pockett, R. D., Russell, I., Strang, J., & Drummond, C. (in press). Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. International Journal of Drug Policy, Article 103113.

© 2021 Background: Alcohol consumption and related harm increase rapidly from the age of 12 years. We evaluated whether alcohol screening and brief intervention is effective and cost-effective in delaying hazardous or harmful drinking amongst low-ris... Read More about Brief interventions to prevent excessive alcohol use in adolescents at low-risk presenting to Emergency Departments: Three-arm, randomised trial of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.

Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID]) study: A single-blind, randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Wenborn, J., O’Keeffe, A. G., Mountain, G., Moniz-Cook, E., King, M., Omar, R. Z., Mundy, J., Burgess, J., Poland, F., Morris, S., Pizzo, E., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Challis, D., Michie, S., Russell, I., Sackley, C., Graff, M., Swinson, T., Crellin, N., Hynes, S., …Orrell, M. (2021). Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID]) study: A single-blind, randomised controlled trial. PLoS Medicine, 18(1), Article e1003433.

© 2021 Wenborn et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cr... Read More about Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID]) study: A single-blind, randomised controlled trial.

Development of an evidence-based best practice model for teams managing crisis in dementia: Protocol for a qualitative study (2021)
Journal Article
Stanyon, M., Streater, A., Coleston-Shields, D. M., Yates, J., Challis, D., Dening, T., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Mitchell, S., Moniz-Cook, E., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. (2021). Development of an evidence-based best practice model for teams managing crisis in dementia: Protocol for a qualitative study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1), Article e14781.

Background: Teams working in the community to manage crisis in dementia currently exist, but with widely varying models of practice, it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of such teams. Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a “best... Read More about Development of an evidence-based best practice model for teams managing crisis in dementia: Protocol for a qualitative study.