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Outputs (4)

INdependenT prEscribinG in community phaRmAcy; whaT works for whom, why and in what circumstancEs (INTEGRATE): Realist review study protocol (2024)
Amr Abdelfatah, O., Hilton, A., Schafheutle, E., Wong, G., Holden, K., Scott, L., Roberts, N., Haddington, N., Kelly, T., Hibberd, V., Sturrock, A., & Maidment, I. (in press). INdependenT prEscribinG in community phaRmAcy; whaT works for whom, why and in what circumstancEs (INTEGRATE): Realist review study protocol

The last decades have witnessed a series of initiatives in the United Kingdom (UK) to enhance patient access to quality care including access to medicine without compromising patient’s safety. Pharmacist independent prescribing is one o... Read More about INdependenT prEscribinG in community phaRmAcy; whaT works for whom, why and in what circumstancEs (INTEGRATE): Realist review study protocol.

Biomarker Driven Antifungal Stewardship (BioDriveAFS) in acute leukaemia—a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess clinical and cost effectiveness: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Flett, L., Abdelatif, R., Akhtar Baz, S., Brady, S., Corbacho, B., Common, K., Cowling, A., Fairhurst, C., Fitzmaurice, E., Gandhi, S., Hilton, A., Hope, W., Howard, A., Laycock, J., Lillie, P., Mitchell, G., Parker, A., Peel, M., Sheard, L., Sneddon, J., …Barlow, G. (2024). Biomarker Driven Antifungal Stewardship (BioDriveAFS) in acute leukaemia—a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess clinical and cost effectiveness: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 25(1), Article 427.

BACKGROUND: Acute leukaemias (AL) are life-threatening blood cancers that can be potentially cured with treatment involving myelosuppressive, multiagent, intensive chemotherapy (IC). However, such treatment is associated with a risk of serious infect... Read More about Biomarker Driven Antifungal Stewardship (BioDriveAFS) in acute leukaemia—a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess clinical and cost effectiveness: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

A Grounded Theory of Medication Administration Safety in Palestinian Critical Care Units (2024)
Anabtawi, R. A Grounded Theory of Medication Administration Safety in Palestinian Critical Care Units. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Administering medication is a critical skill that requires a professional nurse who understands the steps of the medication administration process and is highly skilled in calculating the medication dosage to ensure safe medication admi... Read More about A Grounded Theory of Medication Administration Safety in Palestinian Critical Care Units.

HVs’ role in providing alcohol advice to women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy (2024)
Digital Artefact
Walker, J., Smith, L., Hilton, A., Alfred, L., Scholin, L., & Ahankari, A. (2024). HVs’ role in providing alcohol advice to women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy

Opening paragraph:
Pregnancy is a transformative period in a woman’s life and an important time to lay strong foundations for infant health and wellbeing that can last a lifetime. The health and wellbeing of the mother, her unborn baby and wider fam... Read More about HVs’ role in providing alcohol advice to women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.