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Enhanced clearing of Candida biofilms on a 3D urothelial cell in vitro model using lysozyme-functionalized fluconazole-loaded shellac nanoparticles (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, A., Weldrick, P. J., Madden, L. A., & Paunov, V. N. (2021). Enhanced clearing of Candida biofilms on a 3D urothelial cell in vitro model using lysozyme-functionalized fluconazole-loaded shellac nanoparticles. Biomaterials science / Royal Society of Chemistry, 9(20), 6927-6939.

Candida urinary tract biofilms are increasingly witnessed in nosocomial infections due to reduced immunity of patients and the hospital ecosystem. The indwelling devices utilized to support patients with urethral diseases that connect the unsterilize... Read More about Enhanced clearing of Candida biofilms on a 3D urothelial cell in vitro model using lysozyme-functionalized fluconazole-loaded shellac nanoparticles.

Biofilm-Infected Human Clusteroid Three-Dimensional Coculture Platform to Replace Animal Models in Testing Antimicrobial Nanotechnologies (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, A., Weldrick, P., Madden, L. A., & Paunov, V. N. (2021). Biofilm-Infected Human Clusteroid Three-Dimensional Coculture Platform to Replace Animal Models in Testing Antimicrobial Nanotechnologies. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(19), 22182-22194.

Microbial biofilms are a major concern in wound care, implant devices, and organ infections. Biofilms allow higher tolerance to antimicrobial drugs, can impair wound healing, and potentially lead to sepsis. There has been a recent focus on developing... Read More about Biofilm-Infected Human Clusteroid Three-Dimensional Coculture Platform to Replace Animal Models in Testing Antimicrobial Nanotechnologies.