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Outputs (2)

Lateralized Eye Use Towards Video Stimuli in Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps) (2017)
Journal Article
Frohnwieser, A., Pike, T., Murray, J., & Wilkinson, A. (2017). Lateralized Eye Use Towards Video Stimuli in Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Animal behavior and cognition, 4(3), 340-348.

Lateralized eye use is thought to increase brain efficiency, as the two hemispheres process different information perceived by the eyes. It has been observed in a wide variety of vertebrate species and, in general, information about conspecifics appe... Read More about Lateralized Eye Use Towards Video Stimuli in Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps).

The 'mouse organ' project: A learning approach to promote creativity and motivation (2002)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, A. J., Miles, R. S., Bateson, A. D., Selke, K. K., & Holley, S. (2002). The 'mouse organ' project: A learning approach to promote creativity and motivation. International journal of electrical engineering education, 39(3), 278-283.

This paper describes an approach to the teaching of the design and development of embedded computer systems. Traditional lectures in computer architecture and real time software are complemented by project-based learning with appropriate support sess... Read More about The 'mouse organ' project: A learning approach to promote creativity and motivation.