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Outputs (23)

Sensitivity to model geometry in finite element analyses of reconstructed skeletal structures: Experience with a juvenile pelvis (2014)
Journal Article
Watson, P. J., Fagan, M. J., & Dobson, C. A. (2015). Sensitivity to model geometry in finite element analyses of reconstructed skeletal structures: Experience with a juvenile pelvis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 229(1), 9-19.

Biomechanical analysis of juvenile pelvic growth can be used in the evaluation of medical devices and investigation of hip joint disorders. This requires access to scan data of healthy juveniles, which are not always freely available. This article an... Read More about Sensitivity to model geometry in finite element analyses of reconstructed skeletal structures: Experience with a juvenile pelvis.

Validation of a morphometric reconstruction technique applied to a juvenile pelvis (2010)
Journal Article
Watson, P., O'Higgins, P., Fagan, M. J., & Dobson, C. A. (2011). Validation of a morphometric reconstruction technique applied to a juvenile pelvis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 225(1), 48-57.

Three-dimensional reconstructions of bone geometry from microCT (computed tomography) data are frequently used in biomechanical and finite element analyses. Digitization of bone models is usually a simple process for specimens with a complete geometr... Read More about Validation of a morphometric reconstruction technique applied to a juvenile pelvis.

Masticatory loading and bone adaptation in the supraorbital torus of developing macaques (2008)
Journal Article
Kupczik, K., Dobson, C. A., Crompton, R. H., Phillips, R., Oxnard, C. E., Fagan, M. J., & O'Higgins, P. (2009). Masticatory loading and bone adaptation in the supraorbital torus of developing macaques. American journal of physical anthropology, 139(2), 193-203.

Research on the evolution and adaptive significance of primate craniofacial morphologies has focused on adult, fully developed individuals. Here, we investigate the possible relationship between the local stress environment arising from masticatory l... Read More about Masticatory loading and bone adaptation in the supraorbital torus of developing macaques.

Assessing mechanical function of the zygomatic region in macaques: validation and sensitivity testing of finite element models (2006)
Journal Article
Kupczik, K., Dobson, C. A., Fagan, M. J., Crompton, R. H., Oxnard, C. E., & O'Higgins, P. (2007). Assessing mechanical function of the zygomatic region in macaques: validation and sensitivity testing of finite element models. Journal of anatomy, 210(1), 41-53.

Crucial to the interpretation of the results of any finite element analysis of a skeletal system is a test of the validity of the results and an assessment of the sensitivity of the model parameters. We have therefore developed finite element models... Read More about Assessing mechanical function of the zygomatic region in macaques: validation and sensitivity testing of finite element models.

Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from μCT data: Testing and validation of finite element results (2006)
Journal Article
Dobson, C. A., Sisias, G., Phillips, R., Langton, C. M., & Fagan, M. J. (2006). Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from μCT data: Testing and validation of finite element results. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 220(3), 481-484.

Stereolithography (STL) models of complex cancellous bone structures have been produced from three-dimensional micro-computed tomography data sets of human cancellous bone histological samples from four skeletal sites. The STL models have been mechan... Read More about Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from μCT data: Testing and validation of finite element results.

Stereo visualization of 3D trabecular bone structures produced by bone remodelling simulation (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Phillips, R., Grunchec, J. A., Ward, J. W., Fagan, M. J., Dobson, C. A., Langton, C. M., & Sisias, G. Stereo visualization of 3D trabecular bone structures produced by bone remodelling simulation

Adult human bone is constantly being renewed by a process known as remodelling. For cancellous bone this renewal process occurs at the interface between bone and marrow where bone is depleted by osteoclasts and rebuilt by osteoblasts. This remodellin... Read More about Stereo visualization of 3D trabecular bone structures produced by bone remodelling simulation.

Algorithms for accurate rapid prototyping replication of cancellous bone voxel maps (2002)
Journal Article
Sisias, G., Phillips, R., Dobson, C., Fagan, M., & Langton, C. (2002). Algorithms for accurate rapid prototyping replication of cancellous bone voxel maps. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 8(1), 6-24.

A set of algorithms has been developed and evaluated for 3D and 21/2D rapid prototyping replication of 3D reconstructions of cancellous bone samples. The algorithms replicate a voxel map without any loss of fidelity, so as to increase the validity of... Read More about Algorithms for accurate rapid prototyping replication of cancellous bone voxel maps.