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Outputs (89)

Recent advances in synchrotron X-ray studies of the atomic structures of metal alloys in liquid state (2024)
Journal Article
Huang, S., Xiang, K., & Mi, J. (2024). Recent advances in synchrotron X-ray studies of the atomic structures of metal alloys in liquid state. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 203, 180-200.

Research into the atomic structures of metal materials in the liquid state, their dynamic evolution versus temperature until the onset of crystal nucleation has been a central research topic in condensed matter physics and materials science for well... Read More about Recent advances in synchrotron X-ray studies of the atomic structures of metal alloys in liquid state.

Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state (2023)
Huang, S. Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research has studied one of the challenging scientific issues in materials science, i.e., in real time, understanding quantitatively the 3D atomic structures of multiple component alloys in the liquid state and how the atomic structures evolve w... Read More about Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state.

Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and tensile properties of IN738 superalloy with high carbon content fabricated via laser powder bed fusion (2023)
Journal Article
Zhou, W., Tian, Y., Wei, D., Tan, Q., Kong, D., Luo, H., Huang, W., Zhu, G., Shu, D., Mi, J., & Sun, B. (2023). Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and tensile properties of IN738 superalloy with high carbon content fabricated via laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 953, Article 170110.

Heat treatment is a key process governing the final microstructure and mechanical properties of precipitation-hardened superalloys. However, traditional heat treatments are typically designed for cast or wrought superalloys. Therefore, this study inv... Read More about Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and tensile properties of IN738 superalloy with high carbon content fabricated via laser powder bed fusion.

Determining the Critical Fracture Stress of Al Dendrites near the Melting Point via Synchrotron X-ray Imaging (2023)
Journal Article
Qin, L., Zhang, Z., Guo, B., Li, W., & Mi, J. (2023). Determining the Critical Fracture Stress of Al Dendrites near the Melting Point via Synchrotron X-ray Imaging. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 36(5), 857-864.

Dendrites are the most common microstructural features in the cast metals, significantly affecting the structure integrity and mechanical properties of the castings. In this study, the in situ synchrotron X-ray radiographic and tomographic imaging te... Read More about Determining the Critical Fracture Stress of Al Dendrites near the Melting Point via Synchrotron X-ray Imaging.

Direct Evidence of the Exfoliation Efficiency and Graphene Dispersibility of Green Solvents toward Sustainable Graphene Production (2022)
Journal Article
Ng, K. L., Maciejewska, B. M., Qin, L., Johnston, C., Barrio, J., Titirici, M. M., Tzanakis, I., Eskin, D. G., Porfyrakis, K., Mi, J., & Grobert, N. (2023). Direct Evidence of the Exfoliation Efficiency and Graphene Dispersibility of Green Solvents toward Sustainable Graphene Production. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 11(1), 58-66.

Achieving a sustainable production of pristine high-quality graphene and other layered materials at a low cost is one of the bottlenecks that needs to be overcome for reaching 2D material applications at a large scale. Liquid phase exfoliation in con... Read More about Direct Evidence of the Exfoliation Efficiency and Graphene Dispersibility of Green Solvents toward Sustainable Graphene Production.

Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in water (2022)
Journal Article
Kaur, A., Morton, J. A., Tyurnina, A. V., Priyadarshi, A., Holland, A., Mi, J., Porfyrakis, K., Eskin, D. G., & Tzanakis, I. (2022). Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in water. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 90, Article 106187.

Graphene dispersions in water are highly desirable for a range of applications such as biomedicines, separation membranes, coatings, inkjet printing and more. Recent novel research has been focussed on developing a green approach for scalable product... Read More about Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in water.

Multiscale interactions of liquid, bubbles and solid phases in ultrasonic fields revealed by multiphysics modelling and ultrafast X-ray imaging (2022)
Journal Article
Qin, L., Porfyrakis, K., Tzanakis, I., Grobert, N., Eskin, D. G., Fezzaa, K., & Mi, J. (2022). Multiscale interactions of liquid, bubbles and solid phases in ultrasonic fields revealed by multiphysics modelling and ultrafast X-ray imaging. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89, Article 106158.

The volume of fluid (VOF) and continuous surface force (CSF) methods were used to develop a bubble dynamics model for the simulation of bubble oscillation and implosion dynamics under ultrasound. The model was calibrated and validated by the X-ray im... Read More about Multiscale interactions of liquid, bubbles and solid phases in ultrasonic fields revealed by multiphysics modelling and ultrafast X-ray imaging.

Design of newly effective grain refiner for aluminum based on medium-entropy metal diboride (2022)
Journal Article
Xiao, F., Wu, M., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Shu, D., Wang, D., Zhu, G., Mi, J., & Sun, B. (2022). Design of newly effective grain refiner for aluminum based on medium-entropy metal diboride. Vacuum, 205, Article 111462.

In this paper, medium-entropy metal diboride (Ti1/3Cr1/3V1/3)B2 with a hexagonal TiB2-type crystal structure were synthesized via molten salt reaction, and its effect on refining pure aluminum grains was investigated. Compared with TiB2, the minimum... Read More about Design of newly effective grain refiner for aluminum based on medium-entropy metal diboride.

Effect of trace boron on grain refinement of commercially pure aluminum by Al–5Ti–1B (2022)
Journal Article
XIAO, F., WU, M. X., WANG, Y. X., ZHOU, W. Z., WANG, S. B., WANG, D. H., ZHU, G. L., JIANG, M., SHU, D., MI, J. W., & SUN, B. D. (2022). Effect of trace boron on grain refinement of commercially pure aluminum by Al–5Ti–1B. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 32(4), 1061-1069.

The effect of boron content on grain refinement of commercially pure aluminum by Al–5Ti–1B was quantitatively assessed. When the boron content is less than 0.03 wt.%, the refining performance of Al–5Ti–1B gradually is weakened as the boron content in... Read More about Effect of trace boron on grain refinement of commercially pure aluminum by Al–5Ti–1B.

Study of the composition, processing and microstructure relationship of light alloys (2022)
Sumayli, A. I. Study of the composition, processing and microstructure relationship of light alloys. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research consists of two main parts. The first part concerns the study of the effect of pulse electromagnetic fields on the microstructural evolution and the hardness of an Al-20%Si alloy. A pulse magnetic field apparatus is used to produce diff... Read More about Study of the composition, processing and microstructure relationship of light alloys.