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Plausible 2050 offshore wind locations in the North Sea (2023)
Waldman, S., Munro, P., & Forster, R. (2023). Plausible 2050 offshore wind locations in the North Sea. [Data].

This dataset contains a set of points representing plausible locations for offshore wind turbines to have been built in the North Sea by the years 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050, based off the national ambitions announced up to August 2022.
The dat... Read More about Plausible 2050 offshore wind locations in the North Sea.

Assessing the Welfare of Technicians during Transits to Offshore Wind Farms (2023)
Journal Article
Uzuegbunam, T. D., Forster, R., & Williams, T. (2023). Assessing the Welfare of Technicians during Transits to Offshore Wind Farms. Vibration, 6(2), 434-448.

Available decision-support tools rarely account for the welfare of technicians in maintenance scheduling for offshore wind farms. This creates uncertainties, especially since current operational limits might make a wind farm accessible but the vibrat... Read More about Assessing the Welfare of Technicians during Transits to Offshore Wind Farms.

Understanding space and habitat use of the Near Threatened Eurasian Curlew to inform the value of habitat restoration schemes for the species' conservation (2023)
Mander, L. Understanding space and habitat use of the Near Threatened Eurasian Curlew to inform the value of habitat restoration schemes for the species' conservation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Intertidal habitats and terrestrial habitats connected to estuaries are subject to multiple anthropogenic pressures including the indirect effect of climate change (i.e., sea-level rise). To build sustainable coastal defences and create intertidal ha... Read More about Understanding space and habitat use of the Near Threatened Eurasian Curlew to inform the value of habitat restoration schemes for the species' conservation.