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Outputs (2)

Recycling: Social norms and warm-glow revisited (2013)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., Nandeibam, S., & O'Shea, L. (2013). Recycling: Social norms and warm-glow revisited. Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 90, 10-18.

We examine the role of social norms and warm-glow in a theoretical framework and establish that improving the quality of recycling facilities, for example through kerbside collection, will elicit more recycling effort if warm-glow is present. Drawing... Read More about Recycling: Social norms and warm-glow revisited.

Procyclical government spending: a public choice analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., & Jones, P. (2013). Procyclical government spending: a public choice analysis. Public Choice, 154(3-4), 243-258.

Procyclical government spending occurs when government expenditures increase at a faster rate than income in an economic upturn but fall at a faster rate in a recession. Voracity effects occur when competition for increased spending proves more effec... Read More about Procyclical government spending: a public choice analysis.