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The natural resource curse and fiscal decentralization (2015)
Journal Article
Pérez-Sebastián, F., & Raveh, O. (2016). The natural resource curse and fiscal decentralization. American journal of agricultural economics, 98(1), 212-230.

© 2015 The Author. Natural resource abundance is a blessing for some countries, but a curse for others. We show that differences across countries in the degree of fiscal decentralization can contribute to this divergent outcome. Using a large panel o... Read More about The natural resource curse and fiscal decentralization.

Neoclassical growth and the natural resource curse puzzle (2015)
Journal Article
Guilló, M. D., & Pérez-Sebastián, F. (2015). Neoclassical growth and the natural resource curse puzzle. Journal of international economics, 97(2), 423-435.

We advance a novel mechanism that helps to explain the puzzling evidence on the natural resource curse. The new channel arises in a standard dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model composed of small-open economies that take international output prices as given... Read More about Neoclassical growth and the natural resource curse puzzle.

Market failure, government inefficiency, and optimal R&D policy (2015)
Journal Article
Perez-Sebastian, F. (2015). Market failure, government inefficiency, and optimal R&D policy. Economics letters, 128, 43-47.

This paper presents a growth model that can explain the coexistence of intellectual property rights and R&D subsidies as a response to the presence of both market and government failures. The framework can also generate the observed positive correlat... Read More about Market failure, government inefficiency, and optimal R&D policy.