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Outputs (2)

Community operational research and citizen science: two icons in need of each other? (2017)
Journal Article
Gregory, A. J., & Atkins, J. P. (2018). Community operational research and citizen science: two icons in need of each other?. European journal of operational research, 268(3), 1111-1124.

Citizen Science attracts a lot of positive attention and a convenient alignment with it might offer multiple benefits for Community Operational Research. But what would be the basis for such an alignment? Could it offer important reciprocal benefits... Read More about Community operational research and citizen science: two icons in need of each other?.

“And DPSIR begat DAPSI(W)R(M)!” - A unifying framework for marine environmental management (2017)
Journal Article
Elliott, M., Burdon, D., Atkins, J., Borja, A., Cormier, R., de Jonge, V., & Turner, R. (2017). “And DPSIR begat DAPSI(W)R(M)!” - A unifying framework for marine environmental management. Marine pollution bulletin, 118(1-2), 27-40.

The marine environment is a complex system formed by interactions between ecological structure and functioning, physico-chemical processes and socio-economic systems. An increase in competing marine uses and users requires a holistic approach to mari... Read More about “And DPSIR begat DAPSI(W)R(M)!” - A unifying framework for marine environmental management.