Does the local economic performance league table lie? Concentric banding and the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010
Journal Article
Reynolds, M., Nolan, M. A., & Trotter, S. (2012). Does the local economic performance league table lie? Concentric banding and the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010. Local Economy, 27(4), 403-418.
Outputs (2)
On the problem of network monopoly (2012)
Journal Article
McHardy, J., Reynolds, M., & Trotter, S. (2012). On the problem of network monopoly. Theory and decision, 73(2), 223-248. consider the problem of pricing in a network industry focussing in particular on the issue of cross-network pricing (e.g. cross-network cell phone charges). Economic theory tells us in relation to cross-network pricing that collusion or network mo... Read More about On the problem of network monopoly.