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Supply chain management implementation in Austria (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kotzab, H., Grant, D. B., & Teller, C. Supply chain management implementation in Austria. Presented at Logistics Research Network 2007 Conference, Hull, UK

Supply chain management (SCM) enables the internal and external integration of business processes with customers and suppliers in order to add customer value. There is a burgeoning need to implement SCM in organizations stemming from increased compet... Read More about Supply chain management implementation in Austria.

Welfare impacts of equal-yield tax reforms in the UK economy (2007)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. R. (2007). Welfare impacts of equal-yield tax reforms in the UK economy. Applied economics, 39(12), 1545-1563.

A multisectoral dynamic general equilibrium tax model with and without announcement effects for open and closed capital markets is used to evaluate efficiency gains and transitional effects from equal-yield tax reforms for seven different taxes in th... Read More about Welfare impacts of equal-yield tax reforms in the UK economy.

Heterogeneity, convergence, and autocorrelations (2007)
Journal Article
He, X. Z., & Li, Y. (2008). Heterogeneity, convergence, and autocorrelations. Quantitative finance, 8(1), 59-79.

This paper is a contribution to the literature on the explanatory power and calibration of heterogeneous asset pricing models. We set out a new stochastic market-fraction asset pricing model of fundamentalists and trend followers under a market maker... Read More about Heterogeneity, convergence, and autocorrelations.

Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets (2007)
Journal Article
Ashton, J. K., & Hudson, R. S. (2008). Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 32(7), 1393-1403.

This study forwards an explanation and empirical investigation of price clustering in retail banking markets. It is proposed that price or interest rate clustering forms in retail markets as firms wish to maximise returns from customers, some of whom... Read More about Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets.

The impact of managerial entrenchment on agency costs: An empirical investigation using UK panel data (2007)
Journal Article
Florackis, C., & Ozkan, A. (2009). The impact of managerial entrenchment on agency costs: An empirical investigation using UK panel data. European Financial Management, 15(3), 497-528.

This paper empirically investigates the relationship between managerial entrenchment and agency costs for a large sample of UK firms over the period 1999-2005. To measure managerial entrenchment, we use detailed information on ownership and board str... Read More about The impact of managerial entrenchment on agency costs: An empirical investigation using UK panel data.

Input-output and general equilibrium models for Hull and Humber region in England (2007)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2007). Input-output and general equilibrium models for Hull and Humber region in England. Atlantic Economic Journal, 35(4), 473-490.

This paper shows how one can construct an input output table for four Humber sub regions in England with information on levels and share of employment and output provided by the Humber Forum using coefficients from the national input-output table of... Read More about Input-output and general equilibrium models for Hull and Humber region in England.

The role of long memory in hedging effectiveness (2007)
Journal Article
Coakley, J., Dollery, J., & Kellard, N. (2007). The role of long memory in hedging effectiveness. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52(6), 3075 - 3082.

A joint fractionally integrated, error-correction and multivariate GARCH (FIEC-BEKK) approach is applied to investigate hedging effectiveness using daily data 1995–2005. The findings reveal the proxied error-correction term has a long memory componen... Read More about The role of long memory in hedging effectiveness.

An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements (2007)
Journal Article
Atkins, J. P., Burdon, D., & Allen, J. H. (2007). An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements. Marine pollution bulletin, 55(10-12), 591-602.

This paper applies contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to investigate public preferences for water quality improvements, and in particular reduced eutrophication. Such preferences are important given that the development of EU water quali... Read More about An application of contingent valuation and decision tree analysis to water quality improvements.

Spin-offs, stages of growth and funding issues: Some UK evidence (2007)
Journal Article
Ullah, F., Akbar, S., & Taylor, P. (2007). Spin-offs, stages of growth and funding issues: Some UK evidence. International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation management, 7(6), 524-540.

This paper explores funding issues at the early development stages of Technology-Based Small Firms (TBSFs) spun-out from universities, non-university research organisations and parent companies. This paper presents empirical evidence for the UK, deri... Read More about Spin-offs, stages of growth and funding issues: Some UK evidence.