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Outputs (27)

Design of an RFID-enabled fresh meat retail supply chain (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sergeyev, Y., Butcher, T., & Grant, D. (2010, July). Design of an RFID-enabled fresh meat retail supply chain. Presented at 15th International Symposium on Logistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This paper reports on a research project to evaluate the benefits of using radio frequency identification (RFID) in a fresh meat retail supply chain.

Long memory and structural breaks in commodity futures markets (2010)
Journal Article
Coakley, J., Dollery, J., & Kellard, N. (2011). Long memory and structural breaks in commodity futures markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 31(11), 1076-1113.

This study employs daily data for 14 commodities and three financial assets 1990-2009 to explore the impact of the time series properties of the futures-spot basis and the cost of carry on forward market unbiasedness. The main result is that the basi... Read More about Long memory and structural breaks in commodity futures markets.

Long-term return reversals-Value and growth or tax? UK evidence (2010)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., & Li, Y. (2011). Long-term return reversals-Value and growth or tax? UK evidence. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 21(3), 347-368.

This paper examines (i) whether value-growth characteristics have more power than past performance in predicting return reversals; and (ii) whether typical rational behaviour such as incentives to delay paying capital gain taxes can better explain lo... Read More about Long-term return reversals-Value and growth or tax? UK evidence.

Nonlinear time-series convergence: The role of structural breaks (2010)
Journal Article
King, A., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2011). Nonlinear time-series convergence: The role of structural breaks. Economics letters, 110(3), 238-240.

Chong et al. (2008) found only limited support for the income convergence hypothesis among 15 OECD nations using a nonlinear unit root test. We find considerably greater evidence of convergence by allowing for breaks in the test's time trend. © 2010... Read More about Nonlinear time-series convergence: The role of structural breaks.

Why fuel poverty? (2010)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2010). Why fuel poverty?. Romanian journal of economic forecasting, 13(3),

The National Health Service (NHS) in UK prescribes 21°C in the living room and 18°C in other rooms for all households but for more than 7.7 percent households cost of heating is above 10 percent of their income and they suffered from coldness related... Read More about Why fuel poverty?.

An empirical examination of the contribution of capabilities to the competitiveness of logistics service providers: A perspective from China (2010)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Grant, D. B., McKinnon, A. C., & Feng, Y. (2010). An empirical examination of the contribution of capabilities to the competitiveness of logistics service providers: A perspective from China. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 40(10), 361-366.

Purpose: This paper aims to report on an investigation of logistics service provider (LSP) capabilities and how these capabilities contribute to LSP competitiveness in the context of China. Design/methodology/approach: This paper draws on work from e... Read More about An empirical examination of the contribution of capabilities to the competitiveness of logistics service providers: A perspective from China.

Open interest, cross listing, and information shocks (2010)
Journal Article
Rhodes, M., Aguenaou, S., & Gwilym, O. A. (2011). Open interest, cross listing, and information shocks. Journal of Futures Markets, 31(8), 755-778.

This study examines the characteristics and behavior of the demand for hedging, proxied by open interest, for the cross-listed Euribor futures contract traded at Euronext-LIFFE and Eurex. The study is unique in its investigation of the simultaneous d... Read More about Open interest, cross listing, and information shocks.

Long-range transport: Speeding up the cash-to-cash cycle (2010)
Journal Article
Holter, A. R., Grant, D. B., Ritchie, J. M., Shaw, W. N., & Towers, N. S. (2010). Long-range transport: Speeding up the cash-to-cash cycle. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 13(5), 339-347.

This paper introduces a model to reduce combined transport and cash flow costs for long-range transport. Containerised transport has become increasingly important in global supply chains. However, products in transit tie up substantial capital, as tr... Read More about Long-range transport: Speeding up the cash-to-cash cycle.

New Labour legacy: comparing the Labour governments of Blair and Brown to Labour governments since 1945 (2010)
Journal Article
Mullard, M., & Swaray, R. (2010). New Labour legacy: comparing the Labour governments of Blair and Brown to Labour governments since 1945. The Political quarterly, 81(4), 511-521.

The election of the Conservative-Liberal coalition in May 2010 provides the opportunity to start to map out the record of the Labour governments between 1997 and 2010. This paper deals with the specific question how the Brown/Blair governments perfor... Read More about New Labour legacy: comparing the Labour governments of Blair and Brown to Labour governments since 1945.