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Outputs (33)

Using fourth‐party logistics management to improve horizontal collaboration among grocery retailers (2011)
Journal Article
Grant, D. B., Hingley, M., Kane, C., & Lindgreen, A. (2011). Using fourth‐party logistics management to improve horizontal collaboration among grocery retailers. Supply chain management, 16(5), 316-327.

Purpose: There is a paucity of literature considering horizontal collaboration among grocery retailers, suppliers, and third-party logistics (3PL) providers. This paper seeks to investigate benefits of and barriers to the use of fourth-party logistic... Read More about Using fourth‐party logistics management to improve horizontal collaboration among grocery retailers.

Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America (2011)
Journal Article
Andres, A. R., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2011). Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America. Journal of Development Studies, 47(7), 959-976.

This article presents new evidence on the relationship between corruption and income inequality. Using a panel data methodology, we find that lower corruption is associated with higher income inequality in Latin America. This result is in contrast to... Read More about Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America.

Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK (2011)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., Nandeibam, S., & O'Shea, L. (2011). Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK. Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 70(11), 2214-2223.

Household waste recycling rates vary significantly both across and within regions of the UK. This paper attempts to explain the variation by using a new data set of waste recycling rates and policy determinants for all of the UK's 434 local authoriti... Read More about Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK.

Procyclical government spending: patterns of pressure and prudence in the OECD (2011)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., & Jones, P. (2011). Procyclical government spending: patterns of pressure and prudence in the OECD. Economics letters, 111(3), 230-232.

This paper tests for differences in the cyclicality of government spending across functional categories. Evidence from 20 OECD countries suggests that procyclicality is more likely in smaller functional budgets, but capital spending is more likely to... Read More about Procyclical government spending: patterns of pressure and prudence in the OECD.

Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management (2011)
Journal Article
Kotzab, H., Teller, C., Grant, D. B., & Sparks, L. (2011). Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management. Supply chain management, 16(4), 231-245.

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model that includes drivers of supply chain management (SCM) adoption and execution identified in the literature, provide a set of measurement scales that operationalise constructs within... Read More about Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management.

Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia (2011)
Book Chapter
Bhattarai, K. (2011). Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia. In R. Jha (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of South Asian Economics (258-276). Routledge.

How trade promotes growth and how growth helps to reduce poverty has achieved some attention in the literature. Export-oriented growth strategy has transformed several East Asian countries including South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong within... Read More about Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia.

Corporate aggregate disclosure practices in Jordan (2011)
Journal Article
Omar, B., & Simon, J. (2011). Corporate aggregate disclosure practices in Jordan. Advances in Accounting, 27(1), 166-186.

This study reports the results of an empirical investigation of the disclosure behavior of listed companies in Jordan after important changes in economic and accounting regulations. It also reports the relationship between aggregate disclosure (both... Read More about Corporate aggregate disclosure practices in Jordan.

Trading frequency and asset pricing on the London Stock Exchange: Evidence from a new price impact ratio (2011)
Journal Article
Gregoriou, A., Florackis, C., & Kostakis, A. (2011). Trading frequency and asset pricing on the London Stock Exchange: Evidence from a new price impact ratio. Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(12), 3335-3350.

This study proposes a new price impact ratio as an alternative to the widely used Amihud's (2002) Return-to-Volume ratio. We demonstrate that the new price impact ratio, which is deemed Return-to-Turnover ratio, has a number of appealing features. Us... Read More about Trading frequency and asset pricing on the London Stock Exchange: Evidence from a new price impact ratio.

A unified theory of structural change (2011)
Journal Article
Dolores Guilló, M., Papageorgiou, C., & Pérez-Sebastián, F. (2011). A unified theory of structural change. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(9), 1393-1404.

This paper uses dynamic general equilibrium and computational methods, inspired by the multi-sector growth model structure in Stephen Turnovsky's work, to develop a theory that unifies two of the traditional explanations of structural change: sector-... Read More about A unified theory of structural change.