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Outputs (36)

CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Energy Consumption in G7 and BRICS Countries (2021)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., & Brind, B. (2021). CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Energy Consumption in G7 and BRICS Countries. Journal of Development Economics and Finance, 2(2),

This research set out to investigate whether economic growth has an impact on CO 2 emissions in G7 and BRICS countries, and whether the Paris Agreement has been effective in respect to CO 2 emissions by successfully analysing each of the five null hy... Read More about CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Energy Consumption in G7 and BRICS Countries.

How state ownership affects corporate R&D: An inverted‐U‐shaped relationship (2021)
Journal Article
Fu, T., Jian, Z., & Li, Y. (in press). How state ownership affects corporate R&D: An inverted‐U‐shaped relationship. International journal of finance & economics : IJFE,

The existing literature provides mixed evidence about the effect of state ownership on corporate research and development (R&D). As this article hypothesizes, state ownership has a positive institutional effect on the investment environment for R&D a... Read More about How state ownership affects corporate R&D: An inverted‐U‐shaped relationship.

What Can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition (2021)
Journal Article
Guo, J., Li, P., & Li, Y. (2022). What Can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition. Management Science, 68(8), 6184-6218.

This study comprehensively evaluates and ranks a large number of competing explanations for the momentum anomaly. As a benchmark for evaluation, firm fundamentals are found to be the most promising among well-known explanations of momentum, followed... Read More about What Can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition.

Short-run disequilibrium adjustment and long-run equilibrium in the international stock markets: A network-based approach (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Li, Y., Pantelous, A. A., & Stanley, H. E. (2022). Short-run disequilibrium adjustment and long-run equilibrium in the international stock markets: A network-based approach. International review of financial analysis, 79, Article 102002.

In this paper, we propose a network-based analytical framework that exploits cointegration and the error correction model to systematically investigate the directions and intensities in terms of the short-run disequilibrium adjustment towards long-ru... Read More about Short-run disequilibrium adjustment and long-run equilibrium in the international stock markets: A network-based approach.

Shunned stocks and market states (2021)
Journal Article
Han, X., Li, Y., & Onishchenko, O. (in press). Shunned stocks and market states. The European journal of finance,

Hong and Kacperczyk (2009, The price of sin: The effects of social norms on markets. Journal of Financial Economics 93(1), 15–36) document that ‘sin stocks’ (alcohol, tobacco, and gambling) earn relatively high returns on a risk-adjusted basis. We re... Read More about Shunned stocks and market states.

Cultural diversity and borrowers’ behavior: evidence from peer-to-peer lending (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, Z., Jin, M., Andrikopoulos, A., & Li, Y. (in press). Cultural diversity and borrowers’ behavior: evidence from peer-to-peer lending. The European journal of finance, 1-25.

We study cultural diversity and borrowers’ behavior using data from peer-to-peer lending platform Renrendai. We proxy cultural diversity with the Linguistic Diversity Index, measured by the population-weighted number of dialects spoken in a region, a... Read More about Cultural diversity and borrowers’ behavior: evidence from peer-to-peer lending.

Leveraging international R&D teams of portfolio entrepreneurs and management controllers to innovate: Implications of algorithmic decision-making (2021)
Journal Article
Rodgers, W., Degbey, W., Söderbom, A., & Leijon, S. L. (in press). Leveraging international R&D teams of portfolio entrepreneurs and management controllers to innovate: Implications of algorithmic decision-making. Journal of business research,

We focus on how international research and development (R&D) teams of portfolio entrepreneurs and their management controllers can help to innovate and sustain entrepreneurial activities. An algorithmic decision-making model is implemented that indic... Read More about Leveraging international R&D teams of portfolio entrepreneurs and management controllers to innovate: Implications of algorithmic decision-making.

Dark matters: the effects of dark trading restrictions on liquidity and informational efficiency (2021)
Journal Article
Ibikunle, G., Li, Y., Mare, D., & Sun, Y. (2021). Dark matters: the effects of dark trading restrictions on liquidity and informational efficiency. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 75, Article 101435.

We exploit the implementation of the double volume cap regulation introduced under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II in the European equity markets to investigate the impact of dark trading on liquidity and informational efficiency. W... Read More about Dark matters: the effects of dark trading restrictions on liquidity and informational efficiency.

Evidence of herding behaviour in stock markets (2021)
Wang, J. Evidence of herding behaviour in stock markets. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates herding behaviour among major world stock markets from 2002 to 2018. It also studies the herding behaviour at sector level from 2001 to 2020. In the first chapter, we introduce the background and motivation for this study. In... Read More about Evidence of herding behaviour in stock markets.

Naval Disasters, World War Two and the British Stock Market (2021)
Journal Article
Hudson, R., & Urquhart, A. (2022). Naval Disasters, World War Two and the British Stock Market. Research in international business and finance, 59, Article 101556.

This paper studies investor sentiment by examining the impact on the British stock market of naval disasters. Since the British Empire was a world power and its navy was held in great regard, Britain was dependent on control of the sea for survival d... Read More about Naval Disasters, World War Two and the British Stock Market.