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Hull: Culture, History, Place (2017)
Starkey, D. J., Atkinson, D., McDonagh, B., McKeon, S., & Salter, E. (Eds.). (2017). Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press

From its earliest origins to the twenty-first century, Hull is a city that has been continually shaped by flows of people, commodities, ideas and trade. The result is a distinctive city with a longstanding, varied, proud and often remarkable history.... Read More about Hull: Culture, History, Place.

International student mobility : the role of social networks (2014)
Journal Article
Beech, S. E. (2015). International student mobility : the role of social networks. Social & cultural geography, 16(3), 332-350.

Building upon recent work on higher education mobility, this paper contends that social networks of friendship and kinship are critical determinants for students deciding to study overseas, not just, as has hitherto been suggested, a complementary fa... Read More about International student mobility : the role of social networks.

Inferring bedload transport from stratigraphic successions: Examples from Cenozoic and Pleistocene rivers, south central Pyrenees, Spain (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jones, S. J., & Frostick, L. E. Inferring bedload transport from stratigraphic successions: Examples from Cenozoic and Pleistocene rivers, south central Pyrenees, Spain

Geologists and geomorphologists have long been concerned with rates of sediment transfer as bedload in gravel-bed rivers, especially as rates of sediment transfer are important factors controlling river aggradation and incision. Bedload transport equ... Read More about Inferring bedload transport from stratigraphic successions: Examples from Cenozoic and Pleistocene rivers, south central Pyrenees, Spain.

Being fieldworthy: Environmental knowledge practices and the space of the field in forest certification (2008)
Journal Article
Eden, S. (2008). Being fieldworthy: Environmental knowledge practices and the space of the field in forest certification. Environment and planning. D, Society & space, 26(6), 1018-1035.

This paper considers how environmental knowledge practices and learning are coproduced through heterogeneous assemblages of inscriptions, devices, skills, ecologies, and people in the field. Drawing on concepts from science and technology studies, I... Read More about Being fieldworthy: Environmental knowledge practices and the space of the field in forest certification.