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Outputs (663)

Automated identification of hedgerows and hedgerow gaps using deep learning Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (2025)
Journal Article
Wolstenholme, J. M., Cooper, F., Thomas, R. E., Ahmed, J., Parsons, K. J., Parsons, K. J., & Parsons, D. R. (online). Automated identification of hedgerows and hedgerow gaps using deep learning Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,

Hedgerows are a key component of the UK landscape that form boundaries, borders and limits of land whilst providing vital landscape-scale ecological connectivity for a range of organisms. They are diverse habitats in the agricultural landscape provid... Read More about Automated identification of hedgerows and hedgerow gaps using deep learning Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Community Waterscapes: Uncovering tangible and intangible heritage of watery landscapes through community engagement in the Hull region (2025)
Newspaper / Magazine
Velentza, K., Worthen, H., & Brookes, E. (2025). Community Waterscapes: Uncovering tangible and intangible heritage of watery landscapes through community engagement in the Hull region

Community Waterscapes, funded by the University of Hull and supported by Hull Maritime, the Living with Water Partnership and an endorsed action of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, is carrying out community-driven... Read More about Community Waterscapes: Uncovering tangible and intangible heritage of watery landscapes through community engagement in the Hull region.

Decoupling the Effects of Temperature, Strain, and Refractive Index in Long-Period Fiber Grating Used for Epoxy Resin Cure Monitoring (2025)
Journal Article
Ivanov, O. V., Bhavsar, K., & Gilbert, J. M. (2025). Decoupling the Effects of Temperature, Strain, and Refractive Index in Long-Period Fiber Grating Used for Epoxy Resin Cure Monitoring. Sensors, 25(3), Article 786.

Epoxy resins are widely used in the manufacture of composite materials for a wide range of applications. Control of the curing process is an important consideration in ensuring product quality and minimizing production times. The curing of epoxy resi... Read More about Decoupling the Effects of Temperature, Strain, and Refractive Index in Long-Period Fiber Grating Used for Epoxy Resin Cure Monitoring.

Flood Photography and the Visual Component of Environmental American Studies (2025)
Journal Article
White, S. H. (2025). Flood Photography and the Visual Component of Environmental American Studies. New area studies, 4(3),

This article develops a new approach for using photographic sources that might be of interest to American Studies scholars whose research contributes broadly to environmental education. Over the past forty years of photographic scholarship, scientifi... Read More about Flood Photography and the Visual Component of Environmental American Studies.

Community Waterscapes Storymap (2024)
Digital Artefact
Velentza, K. (2024). Community Waterscapes Storymap

This digital 'Storymap' presents heritage from Hull Community Waterscapes participants. The stories, photographs, landmarks, experiences and memories on the map represent their relationships with water in the city of Hull and beyond.

Dynamic Performance and Intelligent Control Optimization Algorithm of a Novel Solar-assisted Multi-source Heat Pump Heating System (2024)
Li, Y. (2024). Dynamic Performance and Intelligent Control Optimization Algorithm of a Novel Solar-assisted Multi-source Heat Pump Heating System. (Thesis). University of Hull.

With the increasing challenges of climate change, carbon reduction and carbon neutrality are raising great attention from countries around the world. In the increasing global primary energy consumption, building heating takes up around 48% proportion... Read More about Dynamic Performance and Intelligent Control Optimization Algorithm of a Novel Solar-assisted Multi-source Heat Pump Heating System.

A transdisciplinary co-conceptualisation of marine identity (2024)
Journal Article
Buchan, P., Glithero, L., McKinley, E., Strand, M., Champion, G., Kochalski, S., Velentza, K., Praptiwi, R., Jung, J., Márquez, M., Marra, M., Abels, L., Neilson, A., Spavieri, J., Whittey, K., Samuel, M., Hale, R., Čermák, A., Whyte, D., West, L., …Payne, D. (2024). A transdisciplinary co-conceptualisation of marine identity. People And Nature,

1. Challenge 10 of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030) calls for the restoration of society's relationship with the ocean. Research suggests that the relationship people have with marine environments can... Read More about A transdisciplinary co-conceptualisation of marine identity.

"What influences how well householders living in previously flooded communities feel they are protected or could recover from future flooding?: Results of a survey" (2024)
Journal Article
Twiddy, M., & Ramsden, S. (2024). "What influences how well householders living in previously flooded communities feel they are protected or could recover from future flooding?: Results of a survey". PLoS ONE, 19(8 AUGUST), Article e0306593.

In England, the Environment Agency (EA) estimates that over 3 million properties in England are at risk of surface water flooding. Heavy and prolonged rainfall that drives surface water flooding is projected to increase in the future due to climate c... Read More about "What influences how well householders living in previously flooded communities feel they are protected or could recover from future flooding?: Results of a survey".

Place-Based Arts Engagement and Learning Histories: An Effective Tool for Climate Action (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, K., McDonagh, B., & Brookes, E. (in press). Place-Based Arts Engagement and Learning Histories: An Effective Tool for Climate Action. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture,

Artistic works informed by the global climate emergency are now common. Yet research typically focuses on the role of art in climate communication, rather than evaluating opportunities for large-scale public art to drive climate action and behavioral... Read More about Place-Based Arts Engagement and Learning Histories: An Effective Tool for Climate Action.