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Outputs (13)

One evidence base; three stories: do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness? (2017)
Journal Article
Ekstrom, M., Currow, D. C., Johnson, M. J., Ekström, M., Bajwah, S., Bland, J. M., Currow, D., Hussain, J., & Johnson, M. (2018). One evidence base; three stories: do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness?. Thorax, 73(1), 88-90.

Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to The efficacy of low-dose systemic opioids for chronic br... Read More about One evidence base; three stories: do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness?.

Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study (2017)
Journal Article
Luckett, T., Phillips, J., Johnson, M., Garcia, M., Bhattarai, P., Carrieri-Kohlman, V., Hutchinson, A., Disler, R. T., Currow, D., Agar, M., Ivynian, S., Chye, R., Newton, P. J., & Davidson, P. M. (2017). Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study. BMJ open, 7(12), e017536.

Objectives Breathlessness ‘crises’ in people with chronic respiratory conditions are a common precipitant for emergency department (ED) presentations, many of which might be avoided through improved self-management and support. This study sought insi... Read More about Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study.

Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease (2017)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Jamali, A., Ross, J., Fairhurst, C., Boland, J., Reigada, C., Hart, S. P., Grande, G., Currow, D. C., Wells, A. U., Papadopoulos, T., Bajwah, S., Bland, J. M., & Yorke, J. (2018). Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease. Thorax, 73(9), 880-883.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. The inter-rater/test-retest reliability and construct validity... Read More about Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease.

Conference presentation in palliative medicine: Predictors of subsequent publication (2017)
Journal Article
Hanchanale, S., Kerr, M., Ashwood, P., Curran, E., Ekstrom, M., Allen, S., Currow, D., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). Conference presentation in palliative medicine: Predictors of subsequent publication. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 8(1), 73-77.

© 2018 Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article). All rights reserved. Objectives Concerns have been raised about poor-quality palliative care research and low publication rate from conference abstrac... Read More about Conference presentation in palliative medicine: Predictors of subsequent publication.

The independent association of overweight and obesity with breathlessness in adults: a cross-sectional, population-based study (2017)
Journal Article
Currow, D. C., Dal Grande, E., Sidhu, C., Ekström, M., & Johnson, M. J. (2017). The independent association of overweight and obesity with breathlessness in adults: a cross-sectional, population-based study. European respiratory journal, 50(3), Article 1700558.

Obesity is an independent risk factor for chronic breathlessness and should be assessed in people with this symptom.

Pharmacovigilance in hospice/palliative care: Net effect of haloperidol for nausea or vomiting (2017)
Journal Article
Digges, M., Hussein, A., Wilcock, A., Crawford, G. B., Boland, J. W., Agar, M. R., Sinnarajah, A., Currow, D. C., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). Pharmacovigilance in hospice/palliative care: Net effect of haloperidol for nausea or vomiting. Journal of palliative medicine, 21(1), 37-43.

Background Haloperidol is widely prescribed as an anti-emetic in patients receiving palliative care, but there is limited evidence to support and refine its use. Objective To explore the immediate and short-term net clinical effects of haloperidol wh... Read More about Pharmacovigilance in hospice/palliative care: Net effect of haloperidol for nausea or vomiting.

A pragmatic, phase III, multisite, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm, dose increment randomised trial of regular, low-dose extended-release morphine for chronic breathlessness: Breathlessness, Exertion And Morphine Sulfate (BEAMS) study protocol (2017)
Journal Article
Currow, D., Watts, G. J., Johnson, M., McDonald, C. F., Miners, J. O., Somogyi, A. A., Denehy, L., McCaffrey, N., Eckert, D. J., McCloud, P., Louw, S., Lam, L., Greene, A., Fazekas, B., Clark, K. C., Fong, K., Agar, M. R., Joshi, R., Kilbreath, S., Ferreira, D., & Ekström, M. (2017). A pragmatic, phase III, multisite, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm, dose increment randomised trial of regular, low-dose extended-release morphine for chronic breathlessness: Breathlessness, Exertion And Morphine Sulfate (BEAMS) study protocol. BMJ open, 7(7), 1-18.

© Article author(s). Introduction Chronic breathlessness is highly prevalent and distressing to patients and families. No medication is registered for its symptomatic reduction. The strongest evidence is for regular, low-dose, extended-release (ER) o... Read More about A pragmatic, phase III, multisite, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm, dose increment randomised trial of regular, low-dose extended-release morphine for chronic breathlessness: Breathlessness, Exertion And Morphine Sulfate (BEAMS) study protocol.

The complex relationship between household income of family caregivers, access to palliative care services and place of death: A national household population survey (2017)
Journal Article
Chen, H., Currow, D. C., Dunn, L., Johnson, M. J., Macleod, U., & Allgar, V. (2018). The complex relationship between household income of family caregivers, access to palliative care services and place of death: A national household population survey. Palliative medicine, 32(2), 357-365.

Background: Previous work shows that more affluent patients with cancer are more likely to die at home, whereas those dying from non-cancer conditions are more likely to die in hospital. Family caregivers are an important factor in determining place... Read More about The complex relationship between household income of family caregivers, access to palliative care services and place of death: A national household population survey.

Effect of opioids and benzodiazepines on clinical outcomes in patients receiving palliative care: an exploratory analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Boland, J. W., Allgar, V., Boland, E. G., Oviasu, O., Agar, M., Currow, D. C., & Johnson, M. J. (2017). Effect of opioids and benzodiazepines on clinical outcomes in patients receiving palliative care: an exploratory analysis. Journal of palliative medicine, 20(11), 1274-1279.

Background: Medications for symptom management in palliative care have associated, but poorly understood, harms. Drug-related harms have important clinical implications, may impact on patients’ compliance and contribute to symptoms. Objective: To exp... Read More about Effect of opioids and benzodiazepines on clinical outcomes in patients receiving palliative care: an exploratory analysis.

Quality of missing data reporting and handling in palliative care trials demonstrates that further development of the CONSORT statement is required : a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Hussain, J. A., Johnson, M. J., Currow, D. C., White, I. R., Currow, D., Hussain, J., Johnson, M., Bland, M., Langan, D., & White, I. (2017). Quality of missing data reporting and handling in palliative care trials demonstrates that further development of the CONSORT statement is required : a systematic review. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 88, 81-91.

Objectives Assess (i) the quality of reporting and handling of missing data (MD) in palliative care trials, (ii) whether there are differences in the reporting of criteria specified by the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) 2010 sta... Read More about Quality of missing data reporting and handling in palliative care trials demonstrates that further development of the CONSORT statement is required : a systematic review.