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Geriatric assessment prior to cancer treatment: a health economic evaluation   (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., McKenzie, G. A. G., Lind, M. J., Kelly, C., & Parrott, S. (2023). Geriatric assessment prior to cancer treatment: a health economic evaluation  . Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 14(6), Article 101504.

Introduction: To address uncertainty regarding the cost-effectiveness of implementing geriatric assessment (GA) in oncology practice, we undertook a synthetic, model-based economic evaluation. Materials and Methods: A decision-analytic model with emb... Read More about Geriatric assessment prior to cancer treatment: a health economic evaluation  .

Developing an evidence-based system to facilitate the predictive assessment and optimisation of older adults with cancer (2021)
McKenzie, G. A. G. Developing an evidence-based system to facilitate the predictive assessment and optimisation of older adults with cancer. (Thesis). The University of Hull and the University of York.

Introduction: Older adults with cancer have worse outcomes than their younger counterparts, including higher postoperative complications, chemotherapy toxicity and treatment allocation to best supportive care. Oncogeriatric assessment (OGA) can provi... Read More about Developing an evidence-based system to facilitate the predictive assessment and optimisation of older adults with cancer.

Patient, family and carer experiences of nutritional screening: a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Bullock, A., Greenley, S. L., Patterson, M. J., McKenzie, G. A. G., & Johnson, M. J. (2021). Patient, family and carer experiences of nutritional screening: a systematic review. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34(3), 595-603.

Background: Despite recommendations for nutritional risk screening of all inpatients, outpatients and care home residents, as well as work to assess clinician's experiences and the validity of tools, little attention has been paid to the experiences... Read More about Patient, family and carer experiences of nutritional screening: a systematic review.

Implementation of geriatric assessment in oncology settings: A systematic realist review (2020)
Journal Article
McKenzie, G. A., Bullock, A. F., Greenley, S. L., Lind, M. J., Johnson, M. J., & Pearson, M. (2021). Implementation of geriatric assessment in oncology settings: A systematic realist review. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(1), 22-33.

Older adults with cancer are more likely to have worse clinical outcomes than their younger counterparts, and shared decision-making can be difficult, due to both complexity from adverse ageing and under-representation in clinical trials. Geriatric a... Read More about Implementation of geriatric assessment in oncology settings: A systematic realist review.

Relationship between markers of malnutrition and clinical outcomes in older adults with cancer: systematic review, narrative synthesis and meta-analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Bullock, A. F., Greenley, S. L., McKenzie, G. A., Paton, L. W., & Johnson, M. J. (2020). Relationship between markers of malnutrition and clinical outcomes in older adults with cancer: systematic review, narrative synthesis and meta-analysis. European journal of clinical nutrition, 74, 1519–1535.

© 2020, The Author(s). Malnutrition predicts poorer clinical outcomes for people with cancer. Older adults with cancer are a complex, growing population at high risk of weight-losing conditions. A number of malnutrition screening tools exist, however... Read More about Relationship between markers of malnutrition and clinical outcomes in older adults with cancer: systematic review, narrative synthesis and meta-analysis.