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Views and experiences of opioid access amongst palliative care providers and public representatives in a low-resource setting: A qualitative interview study (2023)
Journal Article
Clark, J., Salins, N., Daniel, S., Currow, D. C., Jones, L., Pearson, M., Bunton, R., Mankel, J., Braithwaite, C., Gilchrist, M. M., & Johnson, M. J. (2023). Views and experiences of opioid access amongst palliative care providers and public representatives in a low-resource setting: A qualitative interview study. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(9), Article e0002401.

Opioids (e.g. morphine) are affordable, effective interventions for cancer-related pain. However, equity of access to this key medication remains a global challenge, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. We aimed to explore views of palli... Read More about Views and experiences of opioid access amongst palliative care providers and public representatives in a low-resource setting: A qualitative interview study.

The unique information and communication needs of men affected by prostate cancer: A qualitative study of men's experience (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, H., Twiddy, M., Jones, L., & Johnson, M. J. (2021). The unique information and communication needs of men affected by prostate cancer: A qualitative study of men's experience. European Journal of Cancer Care, 30(6), Article e13503.

Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the specific information and communication needs of men affected by prostate cancer to inform the development of educational materials for clinicians. Methods: This is a qualitative descriptive stu... Read More about The unique information and communication needs of men affected by prostate cancer: A qualitative study of men's experience.

Prostate cancer: unmet supportive and palliative care needs: national survey of patients and family carers (2021)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Huang, C., Chen, H., Jones, L., & Twiddy, M. (2021). Prostate cancer: unmet supportive and palliative care needs: national survey of patients and family carers. BMJ supportive & palliative care,

Objectives: Men living with prostate cancer have supportive and palliative needs. However, few studies detail unmet needs (vs quality of life measurement) or include data from those with advanced disease. We aimed to identify unmet needs of people li... Read More about Prostate cancer: unmet supportive and palliative care needs: national survey of patients and family carers.

Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure (2015)
Journal Article
Clark, A. L., Johnson, M., Fairhurst, C., Torgerson, D., Cockayne, S., Rodgers, S., Griffin, S., Allgar, V., Jones, L., Nabb, S., Harvey, I., Squire, I., Murphy, J., & Greenstone, M. (2015). Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure. Health Technology Assessment, 19(75), 1-120.

Background: Home oxygen therapy (HOT) is commonly used for patients with severe chronic heart failure
(CHF) who have intractable breathlessness. There is no trial evidence to support its use.

Objectives: To detect whether or not there was a quality-... Read More about Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure.