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Outputs (221)

Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis (2018)
Journal Article
Kernick, L., Hogg, K., Millerick, Y., Murtagh, F., Djahit, A., & Johnson, M. (2018). Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Palliative medicine, 32(10), 1539-1551.

BACKGROUND: People with advanced heart failure have repeated hospital admissions. Advance care planning can support patient preferences, but studies in people with heart failure have not been assessed.
AIM: To evaluate the literature regarding advan... Read More about Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis.

What are the patterns of compliance with Early Warning Track and Trigger Tools: A narrative review (2018)
Journal Article
Credland, N., Dyson, J., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). What are the patterns of compliance with Early Warning Track and Trigger Tools: A narrative review. Applied nursing research : ANR, 44, 39-47.

© 2018 Elsevier Inc. Background: Early Warning Scores were introduced into acute hospitals in 2000. 99% of acute hospitals employ a EWS to monitor deteriorating patients with 97.9% of these linked to a referral protocol. Despite this high level of ad... Read More about What are the patterns of compliance with Early Warning Track and Trigger Tools: A narrative review.

Breathlessness in the emergency care setting (2018)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., & Hutchinson, A. (2018). Breathlessness in the emergency care setting. Current opinion in supportive and palliative care, 12(3), 232-236.

Purpose of review
Breathlessness is one of the most common reasons for presentation at the emergency department (ED). The present review summarizes work published from 2017, which focuses on the symptom of breathlessness in its own right rat... Read More about Breathlessness in the emergency care setting.

Psychometric Properties of the Needs Assessment Tool—Progressive Disease Cancer in U.K. Primary Care (2018)
Journal Article
Allgar, V. L., Chen, H., Richfield, E., Currow, D., Macleod, U., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). Psychometric Properties of the Needs Assessment Tool—Progressive Disease Cancer in U.K. Primary Care. Journal of pain and symptom management, 56(4), 602-612.

Background. The assessment of patients' needs for care is a critical step in achieving patient-centered cancer care. Tools can be used to assess needs and inform care planning. The Needs Assessment Tool:Progressive DiseaseeCancer (NAT:PD-C) is an Aus... Read More about Psychometric Properties of the Needs Assessment Tool—Progressive Disease Cancer in U.K. Primary Care.

Missed opportunity? Worsening breathlessness as a harbinger of death: a cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Currow, D. C., Smith, J. M., Chansriwong, P., Noble, S. I., Nikolaidou, T., Ferreira, D., Johnson, M. J., & Ekström, M. (2018). Missed opportunity? Worsening breathlessness as a harbinger of death: a cohort study. European respiratory journal, 52(3), Article 1800684.

Introduction: To explore trajectories of breathlessness intensity by function and life-limiting illness diagnosis in the last 3 weeks of life in palliative care patients.

Methods: Prospective, consecutive cohort with point-of-care data of patients o... Read More about Missed opportunity? Worsening breathlessness as a harbinger of death: a cohort study.

CAMERA - complete assessment of elderly patients with cancer: A non-randomised feasibility study (2018)
Journal Article
Jackson, G., Gabe, R., Johnson, M., Date, K., Harman, D., Maraveyas, A., Roy, R., & Lind, M. J. (2019). CAMERA - complete assessment of elderly patients with cancer: A non-randomised feasibility study. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 10(1), 175-177.

One of the primary risk factors in the development of cancer is older age. The demographic shift to an ageing population has given rise to an increased number of older patients with cancer. The extreme heterogeneity within this population renders app... Read More about CAMERA - complete assessment of elderly patients with cancer: A non-randomised feasibility study.

Palliative care in the emergency department: A systematic literature qualitative review and thematic synthesis (2018)
Journal Article
Cooper, E., Hutchinson, A., Sheikh, Z., Taylor, P., Townend, W., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). Palliative care in the emergency department: A systematic literature qualitative review and thematic synthesis. Palliative medicine, 32(9), 1443-1454.

Background: Despite a fast-paced environment, the emergency clinician has a duty to meet the
palliative patient's needs. Despite suggested models and interventions, this remains challenging in
Aim: To increase understanding of these challen... Read More about Palliative care in the emergency department: A systematic literature qualitative review and thematic synthesis.

Emergency admissions and subsequent inpatient care through an emergency oncology service at a tertiary cancer centre: service users’ experiences and views (2018)
Journal Article
Chen, H., Johnson, M., Boland, E., Seymour, J., & Macleod, U. (2019). Emergency admissions and subsequent inpatient care through an emergency oncology service at a tertiary cancer centre: service users’ experiences and views. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(2), 451–460.

Purpose Avoiding unnecessary emergency admissions and managing those that are admitted more effectively is a major concern for both patients and health services. To generate evidence useful for improving services for direct patient benefit, this stu... Read More about Emergency admissions and subsequent inpatient care through an emergency oncology service at a tertiary cancer centre: service users’ experiences and views.

Which patients with heart failure should receive specialist palliative care? (2018)
Journal Article
Campbell, R. T., Petrie, M. C., Jackson, C. E., Jhund, P. S., Wright, A., Gardner, R. S., Sonecki, P., Pozzi, A., McSkimming, P., McConnachie, A., Finlay, F., Davidson, P., Denvir, M. A., Johnson, M. J., Hogg, K. J., & McMurray, J. J. (2018). Which patients with heart failure should receive specialist palliative care?. European journal of heart failure, 20(9), 1338-1347.

We investigated which patients with heart failure (HF) should receive specialist palliative care (SPC) by first creating a definition of need for SPC in patients hospitalised with HF using patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) and then testi... Read More about Which patients with heart failure should receive specialist palliative care?.

Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2018)
Journal Article
Ekström, M., Johnson, M. J., Taylor, B., Luszcz, M., Wohland, P., Ferreira, D. H., & Currow, D. C. (2018). Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 28(1), Article 20 (2018).

© 2018 The Author(s). Sexual activity is important to older adults (65 +). Breathlessness affects about 25% of older adults but impact on sexual activity is unknown. We evaluated the relationships between breathlessness and sexual inactivity and self... Read More about Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing.