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Family caregivers who would be unwilling to provide care at the end of life again: findings from the Health Survey for England population survey (2016)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Allgar, V., Macleod, U., Jones, A., Oliver, S., & Currow, D. (2016). Family caregivers who would be unwilling to provide care at the end of life again: findings from the Health Survey for England population survey. PLoS ONE, 11(1), e0146960.

Background Family caregivers provide significant care at the end of life. We aimed to describe caregiver characteristics, and of those unwilling to repeat this role under the same circumstances. Methods Observational study of adults in private househ... Read More about Family caregivers who would be unwilling to provide care at the end of life again: findings from the Health Survey for England population survey.

Breathlessness in the elderly during the last year of life sufficient to restrict activity (2016)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Bland, J. M., Gahbauer, E. A., Ekström, M., Sinnarajah, A., Gill, T. M., & Currow, D. (2016). Breathlessness in the elderly during the last year of life sufficient to restrict activity. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64(1), 73-80.

OBJECTIVES: Breathlessness is prevalent in older people. Symptom control at the end of life is important. This study investigated relationships between age, clinical characteristics and breathlessness sufficient to have people spend at least one half... Read More about Breathlessness in the elderly during the last year of life sufficient to restrict activity.

Effects of low dose morphine on perceived sleep quality in patients with refractory breathlessness : a hypothesis generating study (2015)
Journal Article
Martins, R. T., Currow, D., Abernethy, A. P., Johnson, M. J., Toson, B., & Eckert, D. J. (2016). Effects of low dose morphine on perceived sleep quality in patients with refractory breathlessness : a hypothesis generating study. Respirology : official journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, 21(2), 386-391.

© 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology. Background and objective The management of chronic refractory breathlessness is one of the indications for regular low-dose (≤30 mg/24 h) oral sustained release morphine. Morphine may disrupt sleep in some... Read More about Effects of low dose morphine on perceived sleep quality in patients with refractory breathlessness : a hypothesis generating study.

Blinded patient preference for morphine compared to placebo in the setting of chronic refractory breathlessness – an exploratory study (2015)
Journal Article
Ferreira, D. H., Silva, J. P., Quinn, S., Abernethy, A. P., Johnson, M. J., Oxberry, S. G., & Currow, D. C. (2016). Blinded patient preference for morphine compared to placebo in the setting of chronic refractory breathlessness – an exploratory study. Journal of pain and symptom management, 51(2), 247-254.

Context Patients’ preference for morphine therapy has received little attention in the setting of chronic refractory breathlessness. However, this is one important factor in considering longer term therapy. Objectives The aim of this secondary analys... Read More about Blinded patient preference for morphine compared to placebo in the setting of chronic refractory breathlessness – an exploratory study.

Does the use of specialist palliative care services modify the effect of socioeconomic status on place of death? A systematic review (2015)
Journal Article
Chen, H., Nicolson, D. J., MacLeod, U., Allgar, V., Dalgliesh, C., & Johnson, M. (2016). Does the use of specialist palliative care services modify the effect of socioeconomic status on place of death? A systematic review. Palliative medicine, 30(5), 434-445.

© SAGE Publications. Background: Cancer patients in lower socioeconomic groups are significantly less likely to die at home and experience more barriers to access to palliative care. It is unclear whether receiving palliative care may mediate the eff... Read More about Does the use of specialist palliative care services modify the effect of socioeconomic status on place of death? A systematic review.

A randomised controlled trial of three or one breathing technique training sessions for breathlessness in people with malignant lung disease (2015)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Kanaan, M., Richardson, G., Nabb, S., Torgerson, D., English, A., Barton, R., & Booth, S. (2015). A randomised controlled trial of three or one breathing technique training sessions for breathlessness in people with malignant lung disease. BMC medicine, 13(1), Article 213.

© Johnson et al. Background: About 90 % of patients with intra-thoracic malignancy experience breathlessness. Breathing training is helpful, but it is unknown whether repeated sessions are needed. The present study aims to test whether three sessions... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of three or one breathing technique training sessions for breathlessness in people with malignant lung disease.

Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure (2015)
Journal Article
Clark, A. L., Johnson, M., Fairhurst, C., Torgerson, D., Cockayne, S., Rodgers, S., Griffin, S., Allgar, V., Jones, L., Nabb, S., Harvey, I., Squire, I., Murphy, J., & Greenstone, M. (2015). Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure. Health Technology Assessment, 19(75), 1-120.

Background: Home oxygen therapy (HOT) is commonly used for patients with severe chronic heart failure
(CHF) who have intractable breathlessness. There is no trial evidence to support its use.

Objectives: To detect whether or not there was a quality-... Read More about Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure.

Preferred and actual place of death in haematological malignancy (2015)
Journal Article
Howell, D. A., Wang, H. I., Roman, E., Smith, A. G., Patmore, R., Johnson, M. J., Garry, A., & Howard, M. (2017). Preferred and actual place of death in haematological malignancy. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 7(2), 150-157.

Objectives Home is considered the preferred place of death for many, but patients with haematological malignancies (leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloma) die in hospital more often than those with other cancers and the reasons for this are not wholly un... Read More about Preferred and actual place of death in haematological malignancy.