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Outputs (49)

One evidence base; three stories: do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness? (2017)
Journal Article
Ekstrom, M., Currow, D. C., Johnson, M. J., Ekström, M., Bajwah, S., Bland, J. M., Currow, D., Hussain, J., & Johnson, M. (2018). One evidence base; three stories: do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness?. Thorax, 73(1), 88-90.

Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to The efficacy of low-dose systemic opioids for chronic br... Read More about One evidence base; three stories: do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness?.

The hand-held fan & the Calming Hand for people with chronic breathlessness: a feasibility trial (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Swan, F., & Johnson, M. (2017, September). The hand-held fan & the Calming Hand for people with chronic breathlessness: a feasibility trial. Presented at ERS International Congress 2017, Milan, Italy

Introduction: The battery operated hand-held fan (“fan”) and the Calming Hand (CH), a cognitive strategy, may be helpful for chronic breathlessness.
Objective: To test the feasibility of a phase III randomised controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the i... Read More about The hand-held fan & the Calming Hand for people with chronic breathlessness: a feasibility trial.

Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study (2017)
Journal Article
Luckett, T., Phillips, J., Johnson, M., Garcia, M., Bhattarai, P., Carrieri-Kohlman, V., Hutchinson, A., Disler, R. T., Currow, D., Agar, M., Ivynian, S., Chye, R., Newton, P. J., & Davidson, P. M. (2017). Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study. BMJ open, 7(12), e017536.

Objectives Breathlessness ‘crises’ in people with chronic respiratory conditions are a common precipitant for emergency department (ED) presentations, many of which might be avoided through improved self-management and support. This study sought insi... Read More about Insights from Australians with respiratory disease living in the community with experience of self-managing through an emergency department 'near miss' for breathlessness: A strengths-based qualitative study.

Making sense of evidence: using research training to promote organisational change (2017)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, K., Boyd, K., Pearson, M., Farrimond, H., Lang, I. A., Fleischer, D., Poole, A., Ralph, N., & Rappert, B. (2019). Making sense of evidence: using research training to promote organisational change. Police Practice and Research, 20(5), 511-529.

Many have argued that the development of evidence-based policing (EBP) depends on those in law enforcement agencies receiving appropriate training in research methodologies and data analysis. Despite this, there are few detailed accounts of such trai... Read More about Making sense of evidence: using research training to promote organisational change.

Social and clinical determinants of preferences and their achievement at the end of life: Prospective cohort study of older adults receiving palliative care in three countries (2017)
Journal Article
Higginson, I. J., Bennett, E., Daveson, B. A., Cooper, F., Morrison, R. S., Yi, D., de Wolf-Linder, S., Meier, D., Dzingina, M., Smith, M., Ellis-Smith, C., Ryan, K., Evans, C., McQuillan, R., Ferguson, T., Normand, C., Henson, L., Johnston, B. M., Murtagh, F. E., Kaler, P., …Wei, G. (2017). Social and clinical determinants of preferences and their achievement at the end of life: Prospective cohort study of older adults receiving palliative care in three countries. BMC Geriatrics, 17(1),

© 2017 The Author(s). Background: Achieving choice is proposed as a quality marker. But little is known about what influences preferences especially among older adults. We aimed to determine and compare, across three countries, factors associated wit... Read More about Social and clinical determinants of preferences and their achievement at the end of life: Prospective cohort study of older adults receiving palliative care in three countries.

Collaborative action for person-centred coordinated care (P3C): An approach to support the development of a comprehensive system-wide solution to fragmented care (2017)
Journal Article
Lloyd, H. M., Pearson, M., Sheaff, R., Asthana, S., Wheat, H., Sugavanam, T. P., Britten, N., Valderas, J., Bainbridge, M., Witts, L., Westlake, D., Horrell, J., & Byng, R. (2017). Collaborative action for person-centred coordinated care (P3C): An approach to support the development of a comprehensive system-wide solution to fragmented care. Health research policy and systems, 15(1), Article 98.

Fragmented care results in poor outcomes for individuals with complexity of need. Person-centred coordinated care (P3C) is perceived to be a potential solution, but an absence of accessible evidence and the lack of a scalable ‘blue print’... Read More about Collaborative action for person-centred coordinated care (P3C): An approach to support the development of a comprehensive system-wide solution to fragmented care.

Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease (2017)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Jamali, A., Ross, J., Fairhurst, C., Boland, J., Reigada, C., Hart, S. P., Grande, G., Currow, D. C., Wells, A. U., Papadopoulos, T., Bajwah, S., Bland, J. M., & Yorke, J. (2018). Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease. Thorax, 73(9), 880-883.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. The inter-rater/test-retest reliability and construct validity... Read More about Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease.

Conference presentation in palliative medicine: Predictors of subsequent publication (2017)
Journal Article
Hanchanale, S., Kerr, M., Ashwood, P., Curran, E., Ekstrom, M., Allen, S., Currow, D., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). Conference presentation in palliative medicine: Predictors of subsequent publication. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 8(1), 73-77.

© 2018 Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article). All rights reserved. Objectives Concerns have been raised about poor-quality palliative care research and low publication rate from conference abstrac... Read More about Conference presentation in palliative medicine: Predictors of subsequent publication.

Respiratory adverse effects of opioids for breathlessness: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Verberkt, C. A., van den Beuken-van Everdingen, M. H., Schols, J. M., Datla, S., Dirksen, C. D., Johnson, M. J., van Kuijk, S. M., Wouters, E. F., & Janssen, D. J. (2017). Respiratory adverse effects of opioids for breathlessness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European respiratory journal, 50(5), 1701153.

Background: Previous studies have shown that opioids can reduce chronic breathlessness in advanced disease. However, physicians remain reluctant to prescribe opioids for these patients, commonly due to fear of respiratory adverse effects. Aim: To sys... Read More about Respiratory adverse effects of opioids for breathlessness: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

What is the impact of population ageing on the future provision of end-of-life care? Population-based projections of place of death (2017)
Journal Article
Bone, A. E., Gomes, B., Etkind, S. N., Verne, J., Murtagh, F. E., Evans, C. J., & Higginson, I. J. (2018). What is the impact of population ageing on the future provision of end-of-life care? Population-based projections of place of death. Palliative medicine, 32(2), 329-336.

© 2017, © The Author(s) 2017. Background: Population ageing represents a global challenge for future end-of-life care. Given new trends in place of death, it is vital to examine where the rising number of deaths will occur in future years and implica... Read More about What is the impact of population ageing on the future provision of end-of-life care? Population-based projections of place of death.