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Improving caring quality for people with dementia in nursing homes using IPOS-Dem: A stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial protocol (2021)
Journal Article
Spichiger, F., Koppitz, A. L., De Wolf-Linder, S., Murtagh, F. E., Volken, T., & Larkin, P. (in press). Improving caring quality for people with dementia in nursing homes using IPOS-Dem: A stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial protocol. Journal of advanced nursing,

Aims: We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale for people with dementia-based case studies to improve the caring quality for people with dementia in nursing homes by frontline staff and family members. Back... Read More about Improving caring quality for people with dementia in nursing homes using IPOS-Dem: A stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial protocol.

Non-medical devices for chronic breathlessness: use, barriers and facilitators for patients, carers and clinicians - a scoping review (2021)
Journal Article
Prihartadi, A. S., Impelliziere Licastro, G., Pearson, M., Johnson, M. J., Luckett, T., & Swan, F. (in press). Non-medical devices for chronic breathlessness: use, barriers and facilitators for patients, carers and clinicians - a scoping review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care,

Background: Non-medical devices such as the handheld fan (fan), mobility aids (wheeled walkers with seats) and inspiratory muscle training (IMT) devices offer benefits for patient management of chronic breathlessness. We examined the published eviden... Read More about Non-medical devices for chronic breathlessness: use, barriers and facilitators for patients, carers and clinicians - a scoping review.

St Gemma's Delirium Guideline Project interview dataset (2021)
St Gemma's Delirium Guideline Project interview dataset. [Data]

Anonymised interview transcripts from 8 stakeholders in a quality improvement project at St Gemma's Hospice, Leeds.

Project conducted by Dr Catriona Jackson as part of her MSc project supervised by Prof Miriam Johnson

Virtual models of care for people with palliative care needs living in their own home: A systematic meta-review and narrative synthesis (2021)
Journal Article
Disalvo, D., Agar, M., Caplan, G., Murtagh, F. E., Luckett, T., Heneka, N., Hickman, L., Kinchin, I., Trethewie, S., Sheehan, C., Urban, K., Cohen, J., Harlum, J., Long, B., Parker, T., Schaefer, I., & Phillips, J. (in press). Virtual models of care for people with palliative care needs living in their own home: A systematic meta-review and narrative synthesis. Palliative medicine,

Background: Access to palliative care in the community enables people to live in their preferred place of care, which is often home. Community palliative care services struggle to provide timely 24-h services to patients and family. This has resulted... Read More about Virtual models of care for people with palliative care needs living in their own home: A systematic meta-review and narrative synthesis.

Understanding and addressing challenges for advance care planning in the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the UK CovPall survey data from specialist palliative care services (2021)
Journal Article
Bradshaw, A., Dunleavy, L., Walshe, C., Preston, N., Cripps, R. L., Hocaoglu, M., Bajwah, S., Maddocks, M., Oluyase, A. O., Sleeman, K., Higginson, I. J., Fraser, L., & Murtagh, F. (2021). Understanding and addressing challenges for advance care planning in the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the UK CovPall survey data from specialist palliative care services. Palliative medicine, 35(7), 1225-1237.

Background: Specialist palliative care services play an important role in conducting advance care planning during COVID-19. Little is known about the challenges to advance care planning in this context, or the changes services made to adapt. Aim: Des... Read More about Understanding and addressing challenges for advance care planning in the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the UK CovPall survey data from specialist palliative care services.

Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care for individuals living with and beyond lung cancer: a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Curry, J., Patterson, M., Greenley, S., Pearson, M., & Forbes, C. (in press). Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care for individuals living with and beyond lung cancer: a systematic review. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer,

Purpose: To examine the evidence of the feasibility, acceptability, and potential efficacy of online supportive care interventions for people living with and beyond lung cancer (LWBLC). Methods: Studies were identified through searches of Medline, EM... Read More about Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care for individuals living with and beyond lung cancer: a systematic review.

Palliative care for children and young people with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (2021)
Journal Article
Craig, F., Henderson, E. M., Patel, B., Murtagh, F. E., & Bluebond-Langner, M. (2021). Palliative care for children and young people with stage 5 chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology,

Death from stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD 5) in childhood or adolescence is rare, but something that all paediatric renal physicians and most paediatricians will encounter. In this paper, we present the literature on three key areas of palliativ... Read More about Palliative care for children and young people with stage 5 chronic kidney disease.

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator devices: when, how and who should discuss deactivation with patients: a systematic literature review (2021)
Journal Article
Freemantle, M., & Murtagh, F. (in press). Implantable cardioverter defibrillator devices: when, how and who should discuss deactivation with patients: a systematic literature review. BMJ supportive & palliative care, Article 2021-002894.

Background: Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are used to treat life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and prevent sudden cardiac arrest. As recipients age they may develop greater risk of dying as a result of progressive multimorbidity ra... Read More about Implantable cardioverter defibrillator devices: when, how and who should discuss deactivation with patients: a systematic literature review.

Breathless and awaiting diagnosis in UK lockdown for COVID-19…We’re stuck (2021)
Journal Article
Doe, G., Chantrell, S., Williams, M., Steiner, M. C., Armstrong, N., Hutchinson, A., & Evans, R. A. (2021). Breathless and awaiting diagnosis in UK lockdown for COVID-19…We’re stuck. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 31(1), Article 21.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 20 adults awaiting a diagnosis for their chronic breathlessness. Three key themes were identified using thematic analysis: (1) de-prioritisation of diagnosis, (2) following... Read More about Breathless and awaiting diagnosis in UK lockdown for COVID-19…We’re stuck.

Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study (2021)
Journal Article
Seddon, K., Elliott, J., Johnson, M., White, C., Watson, M., Nelson, A., & Noble, S. (2021). Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7(1), Article 22.

Background: The publication of the United Kingdom (UK) Standards for Public Involvement (PI) (UK Standards) in research drew a clear line in the sand regarding the importance of utilising the unique experience, skills and expertise that lay people ma... Read More about Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study.