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Palliative care in the emergency department: A systematic literature qualitative review and thematic synthesis (2018)
Journal Article
Cooper, E., Hutchinson, A., Sheikh, Z., Taylor, P., Townend, W., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). Palliative care in the emergency department: A systematic literature qualitative review and thematic synthesis. Palliative medicine, 32(9), 1443-1454.

Background: Despite a fast-paced environment, the emergency clinician has a duty to meet the
palliative patient's needs. Despite suggested models and interventions, this remains challenging in
Aim: To increase understanding of these challen... Read More about Palliative care in the emergency department: A systematic literature qualitative review and thematic synthesis.

What are the main palliative care symptoms and concerns of older people with multimorbidity?—a comparative cross-sectional study using routinely collected Phase of Illness, Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status and Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale data (2018)
Journal Article
Nicholson, C., Davies, J. M., George, R., Smith, B., Pace, V., Harris, L., Ross, J., Noble, J., Hansford, P., & Murtagh, F. E. (2018). What are the main palliative care symptoms and concerns of older people with multimorbidity?—a comparative cross-sectional study using routinely collected Phase of Illness, Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status and Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale data. Annals of palliative medicine, 7(Supplement 3), S164-S175.

BACKGROUND: Older people with multimorbidities are projected to be the main recipients of palliative care in the coming decades. However, because their specific palliative care needs are poorly understood and service response is underdeveloped, older... Read More about What are the main palliative care symptoms and concerns of older people with multimorbidity?—a comparative cross-sectional study using routinely collected Phase of Illness, Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status and Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale data.

Advance care planning with patients who have end-stage kidney disease: A systematic realist review (2018)
Journal Article
O'Halloran, P., Noble, H., Norwood, K., Maxwell, P., Shields, J., Fogarty, D., Murtagh, F., Morton, R., & Brazil, K. (2018). Advance care planning with patients who have end-stage kidney disease: A systematic realist review. Journal of pain and symptom management, 56(5), 795-807.e18.

Patients with end-stage kidney disease have a high mortality rate and disease burden. Despite this, many do not speak with health care professionals about end-of-life issues. Advance care planning is recommended in this context but is complex... Read More about Advance care planning with patients who have end-stage kidney disease: A systematic realist review.

Emergency admissions and subsequent inpatient care through an emergency oncology service at a tertiary cancer centre: service users’ experiences and views (2018)
Journal Article
Chen, H., Johnson, M., Boland, E., Seymour, J., & Macleod, U. (2019). Emergency admissions and subsequent inpatient care through an emergency oncology service at a tertiary cancer centre: service users’ experiences and views. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(2), 451–460.

Purpose Avoiding unnecessary emergency admissions and managing those that are admitted more effectively is a major concern for both patients and health services. To generate evidence useful for improving services for direct patient benefit, this stu... Read More about Emergency admissions and subsequent inpatient care through an emergency oncology service at a tertiary cancer centre: service users’ experiences and views.

Patient empowerment, what does it mean for adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: A systematic review using critical interpretive synthesis (2018)
Journal Article
Wakefield, D., Bayly, J., Selman, L. E., Firth, A. M., Higginson, I. J., & Murtagh, F. E. M. (2018). Patient empowerment, what does it mean for adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: A systematic review using critical interpretive synthesis. Palliative medicine, 32(8), 1288-1304.

© The Author(s) 2018. Background: Patient empowerment, defined as ‘a process through which people gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health’ (World Health Organization) is a key theme within global health and social care... Read More about Patient empowerment, what does it mean for adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: A systematic review using critical interpretive synthesis.

Which patients with heart failure should receive specialist palliative care? (2018)
Journal Article
Campbell, R. T., Petrie, M. C., Jackson, C. E., Jhund, P. S., Wright, A., Gardner, R. S., Sonecki, P., Pozzi, A., McSkimming, P., McConnachie, A., Finlay, F., Davidson, P., Denvir, M. A., Johnson, M. J., Hogg, K. J., & McMurray, J. J. (2018). Which patients with heart failure should receive specialist palliative care?. European journal of heart failure, 20(9), 1338-1347.

We investigated which patients with heart failure (HF) should receive specialist palliative care (SPC) by first creating a definition of need for SPC in patients hospitalised with HF using patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) and then testi... Read More about Which patients with heart failure should receive specialist palliative care?.

Reframing global palliative care advocacy for the sustainable development goal era: A qualitative study of the views of international palliative care experts (2018)
Journal Article
Clark, J., Barnes, A., & Gardiner, C. (2018). Reframing global palliative care advocacy for the sustainable development goal era: A qualitative study of the views of international palliative care experts. Journal of pain and symptom management, 56(3), 363-370.

The World Health Assembly Palliative Care Resolution in 2014 and the inclusion of palliative care within the sustainable development goals raised optimism that palliative care would no longer be a peripheral aspect of global health. However,... Read More about Reframing global palliative care advocacy for the sustainable development goal era: A qualitative study of the views of international palliative care experts.

Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2018)
Journal Article
Ekström, M., Johnson, M. J., Taylor, B., Luszcz, M., Wohland, P., Ferreira, D. H., & Currow, D. C. (2018). Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 28(1), Article 20 (2018).

© 2018 The Author(s). Sexual activity is important to older adults (65 +). Breathlessness affects about 25% of older adults but impact on sexual activity is unknown. We evaluated the relationships between breathlessness and sexual inactivity and self... Read More about Breathlessness and sexual activity in older adults: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing.

Putting graphic elicitation into practice: tools and typologies for the use of participant-led diagrams in qualitative research interviews (2018)
Journal Article
Bravington, A., & King, N. (2019). Putting graphic elicitation into practice: tools and typologies for the use of participant-led diagrams in qualitative research interviews. Qualitative Research, 19(5), 506-523.

The use of diagrams to stimulate dialogue in research interviews, a technique known as graphic elicitation, has burgeoned since the year 2000. Reviews of the graphic elicitation literature have relied on the inconsistent terminology currently used to... Read More about Putting graphic elicitation into practice: tools and typologies for the use of participant-led diagrams in qualitative research interviews.

From programme theory to logic models for multispecialty community providers: a realist evidence synthesis (2018)
Journal Article
Sheaff, R., Brand, S. L., Lloyd, H., Wanner, A., Fornasiero, M., Briscoe, S., Valderas, J. M., Byng, R., & Pearson, M. (2018). From programme theory to logic models for multispecialty community providers: a realist evidence synthesis. Health Services and Delivery Research, 6(24), 1-210.

The NHS policy of constructing multispecialty community providers (MCPs) rests on a complex set of assumptions about how health systems can replace hospital use with enhanced primary care for people with complex, chronic or multiple healt... Read More about From programme theory to logic models for multispecialty community providers: a realist evidence synthesis.