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Vanadium(III) phenoxyimine complexes for ethylene or ε-caprolactone polymerization: Mononuclear versus binuclear pre-catalysts

Clowes, Lucy; Walton, Mark; Redshaw, Carl; Chao, Yimin; Walton, Alex; Elo, Pertti; Sumerin, Victor; Hughes, David L.


Lucy Clowes

Mark Walton

Yimin Chao

Alex Walton

Pertti Elo

Victor Sumerin

David L. Hughes


The mononuclear {[C6H4NCH(ArO)]2VCl(THF)} (Ar = 2,4-t-Bu2C6H2 (1), Ar = C 6H4 (2)), {O[C6H4NCH(ArO)] 2}VCl(THF) (Ar = 2,4-t-Bu2C6H2 (3), Ar = C6H4 (4)) and the binuclear vanadium(iii) complexes {[C6H4NCH(ArO)]VCl2(THF)2} 2(μ-CH2CH2) (Ar = 2,4-t-Bu2C 6H2 (5), Ar = C6H4 (6)), have been synthesized and fully characterized. The compounds [C6H 5NCH(ArO)]VCl2(THF)2 (Ar = 2,4-t-Bu 2C6H2 (7), Ar = C6H4 (8)), [2,4,6-Me3-C6H2NCH(ArO)]VCl2 (Ar = 2,4-t-Bu2C6H2 (9), Ar = C 6H4 (10)) and [2,6-i-Pr2-C6H 3NCH(ArO)]VCl2(THF)2 (Ar = 2,4-t-Bu 2C6H2 (11), Ar = C6H4 (12)), {μ-CH2CH2[NCH(C6H4O)] 2VCl(THF)} (14) and {C6H4[NCH(C 6H4O)]2VCl(THF)} (15) were synthesized for comparative polymerization studies. The dizwitterionic compound [2,6-i-Pr 2-C6H3N+(H)CH(C6H 4O)]2VCl2O (13) was also isolated, and presumably formed via a fortuitous hydrolysis reaction. The complexes 2, 5 and 13 have been structurally characterized; the molecular structure of the parent ligand (L5) in 5 is also reported. All complexes have been screened for ethylene as well as ε-caprolactone polymerization, and results are compared against those for known related mono- and bi-nuclear counterparts to evaluate for possible cooperative effects. The compounds 10 and 12 have been supported on modified SiO2, analysed by XPS and subjected to homo-polymerization (ethylene) and co-polymerization (1-hexene and ethylene) studies. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.


Clowes, L., Walton, M., Redshaw, C., Chao, Y., Walton, A., Elo, P., Sumerin, V., & Hughes, D. L. (2013). Vanadium(III) phenoxyimine complexes for ethylene or ε-caprolactone polymerization: Mononuclear versus binuclear pre-catalysts. Catalysis science & technology, 3(1), 152-160.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 1, 2012
Online Publication Date Sep 4, 2012
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2022
Journal Catalysis Science and Technology
Print ISSN 2044-4753
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Issue 1
Pages 152-160
Public URL