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Postradioiodine Graves' management: The PRAGMA study

Perros, Petros; Basu, Ansu; Boelaert, Kristien; Dayan, Colin; Vaidya, Bijay; Williams, Graham R; Lazarus, John H; Hickey, Janis; Drake, William M; Crown, Anna; Orme, Stephen M; Johnson, Andrew; Ray, David W; Leese, Graham P; Hugh Jones, T; Abraham, Prakash; Grossman, Ashley; Rees, Aled; Razvi, Salman; Gibb, Fraser W; Moran, Carla; Madathil, Asgar; Žarković, Miloš P.; Plummer, Zoe; Jarvis, Sheba; Falinska, Agnieszka; Velusamy, Anand; Sanderson, Violet; Pariani, Nadia; Atkin, Stephen L; Syed, Akheel A; Sathyapalan, Thozhukat; Nag, Sath; Gilbert, Jackie; Gleeson, Helena; Levy, Miles J; Johnston, Colin; Sturrock, Nigel; Bennett, Stuart; Mishra, Biswa; Malik, Isha; Karavitaki, Niki


Petros Perros

Ansu Basu

Kristien Boelaert

Colin Dayan

Bijay Vaidya

Graham R Williams

John H Lazarus

Janis Hickey

William M Drake

Anna Crown

Stephen M Orme

Andrew Johnson

David W Ray

Graham P Leese

T Hugh Jones

Prakash Abraham

Ashley Grossman

Aled Rees

Salman Razvi

Fraser W Gibb

Carla Moran

Asgar Madathil

Miloš P. Žarković

Zoe Plummer

Sheba Jarvis

Agnieszka Falinska

Anand Velusamy

Violet Sanderson

Nadia Pariani

Stephen L Atkin

Akheel A Syed

Sath Nag

Jackie Gilbert

Helena Gleeson

Miles J Levy

Colin Johnston

Nigel Sturrock

Stuart Bennett

Biswa Mishra

Isha Malik

Niki Karavitaki


Objective: Thyroid status in the months following radioiodine (RI) treatment for Graves' disease can be unstable. Our objective was to quantify frequency of abnormal thyroid function post-RI and compare effectiveness of common management strategies. Design: Retrospective, multicentre and observational study. Patients: Adult patients with Graves' disease treated with RI with 12 months' follow-up. Measurements: Euthyroidism was defined as both serum thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH]) and free thyroxine (FT4) within their reference ranges or, when only one was available, it was within its reference range; hypothyroidism as TSH ≥ 10 mU/L, or subnormal FT4 regardless of TSH; hyperthyroidism as TSH below and FT4 above their reference ranges; dysthyroidism as the sum of hypo- and hyperthyroidism; subclinical hypothyroidism as normal FT4 and TSH between the upper limit of normal and <10 mU/L; and subclinical hyperthyroidism as low TSH and normal FT4. Results: Of 812 patients studied post-RI, hypothyroidism occurred in 80.7% and hyperthyroidism in 48.6% of patients. Three principal post-RI management strategies were employed: (a) antithyroid drugs alone, (b) levothyroxine alone, and (c) combination of the two. Differences among these were small. Adherence to national guidelines regarding monitoring thyroid function in the first 6 months was low (21.4%–28.7%). No negative outcomes (new-onset/exacerbation of Graves' orbitopathy, weight gain, and cardiovascular events)were associated with dysthyroidism. There were significant differences in demographics, clinical practice, and thyroid status postradioiodine between centres. Conclusions: Dysthyroidism in the 12 months post-RI was common. Differences between post-RI strategies were small, suggesting these interventions alone are unlikely to address the high frequency of dysthyroidism.


Perros, P., Basu, A., Boelaert, K., Dayan, C., Vaidya, B., Williams, G. R., …Karavitaki, N. (2022). Postradioiodine Graves' management: The PRAGMA study. Clinical Endocrinology,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 5, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 11, 2022
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Mar 28, 2022
Publicly Available Date Mar 12, 2023
Journal Clinical Endocrinology
Print ISSN 0300-0664
Electronic ISSN 1365-2265
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Graves' disease; Hyperthyroidism; Hypothyroidism; Radioiodine; Thyroid
Public URL


Accepted manuscript (189 Kb)

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©2022 The authors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder

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