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Establishing survey and monitoring protocols for the assessment of conservation status of fish populations in river Special Areas of Conservation in the UK

Harvey, J. P.; Noble, R. A.; Cowx, I. G.; Harvey, Jon; Noble, Richard; Nunn, A. D.


J. P. Harvey

R. A. Noble

Jon Harvey


1. Under the EC Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), several rivers in the UK have been designated Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) because they support important populations of fish species. Several factors need to be considered when establishing survey protocols to assess the conservation status Of fish species in these rivers 2. It is important to understand the biology and habitat requirements of fish species and to design appropriate monitoring surveys adequately assess the status of the fish populations. This information can, in turn, provide the basis for establishing sustainable conservation targets for specific stocks, a process known as condition assessment. 3. Favourable condition of fish species in SAC rivers is assessed using three criteria. The first relates to density Of fish in various life stages against pre-set targets. assuming that an appropriate number of sites is surveyed to account for natural spatial and temporal variations in fish populations. The second is CV evaluation of the demographic structure to demonstrate continued recruitment success. Third, by mapping the distribution or the target species ill individual rivers and where favourable condition is only achieved where there has been no reduction in the distribution range river between surveys. 4. The framework described was developed from limited survey data. As more monitoring, and assessment data become available, the threshold criteria for favourable condition for each Species should be improved. and uncertainty in the procedures reduced. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.


Cowx, I. G., Harvey, J., Noble, R., & Nunn, A. D. (2008). Establishing survey and monitoring protocols for the assessment of conservation status of fish populations in river Special Areas of Conservation in the UK. Aquatic conservation : marine and freshwater ecosystems, 19(1), 96-103.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 27, 2008
Online Publication Date Sep 9, 2008
Publication Date Dec 16, 2008
Print ISSN 1052-7613
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Issue 1
Pages 96-103
Keywords Ecology; Aquatic Science; Nature and Landscape Conservation
Public URL
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