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Interventions for disorder and severe intoxication in and around licensed premises, 1989-2009

Brennan, Iain; Moore, Simon C.; Byrne, Ellie; Murphy, Simon


Simon C. Moore

Ellie Byrne

Simon Murphy


Aims To systematically review rigorous evaluation studies into the effectiveness of interventions in and around licensed premises that aimed to reduce severe intoxication and disorder. Methods A systematic search was conducted. Papers that rigorously evaluated interventions based in and around licensed premises to reduce disorder or intoxication were included. Results Fifteen studies were identified, three randomized controlled trials and 12 non-randomized quasi-experimental evaluations. Outcome measures were intoxication (n = 6), disorder (n = 6) and intoxication and disorder (n = 3). Interventions included responsible beverage service training (n = 5), server violence prevention training (n = 1), enhanced enforcement of licensing regulations (n = 1), multi-level interventions (n = 5), licensee accords (n = 2) and a risk-focused consultation (n = 1). Intervention effects varied, even across studies using similar interventions. Conclusions Server training courses that are designed to reduce disorder have some potential, although there is a lack of evidence to support their use to reduce intoxication and the evidence base is weak.


Brennan, I., Moore, S. C., Byrne, E., & Murphy, S. (2011). Interventions for disorder and severe intoxication in and around licensed premises, 1989-2009. Addiction, 106(4), 706-713.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 3, 2010
Online Publication Date Nov 17, 2010
Publication Date 2011-04
Print ISSN 0965-2140
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 106
Issue 4
Pages 706-713
Keywords Alcohol; Evaluation; Intervention; Licensed premises; Systematic review; Violence
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