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The effects of indoor plants and artificial windows in an underground environment

Kim, Jeonghwan; Cha, Seung Hyun; Koo, Choongwan; Tang, Shiu keung


Jeonghwan Kim

Seung Hyun Cha

Choongwan Koo


People have negative perceptions of underground environments on account of the absence of natural elements. To alleviate negative perceptions, many investigators have proposed indoor plants and artificial windows. Although a few studies have provided quantitative evidence of the benefits of indoor plants and artificial windows in an otherwise windowless environment, research has yet to systematically investigate these effects in an underground environment. To address this gap in our knowledge, the present study investigated the effects of indoor plants and artificial windows in an underground environment by means of a room-assessment questionnaire, an electrodermal activity (EDA) measure, and a response-time task. The findings indicate that indoor plants in an underground environment increase positive perceptions along the semantic-differential scales “Artificial–Natural”, “Unsuitable for a task–Suitable for a task” and “Monotonous–Diverse”, and that they reduce response times. By contrast, artificial windows are effective only on the “Monotonous–Diverse” scale, and are associated with increased response time. These findings should contribute to improvements in underground environments using indoor plants and artificial windows, so that people can maintain above-ground ways of living and working.


Kim, J., Cha, S. H., Koo, C., & Tang, S. K. (2018). The effects of indoor plants and artificial windows in an underground environment. Building and Environment, 138, 53-62.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 19, 2018
Online Publication Date Apr 22, 2018
Publication Date Jun 15, 2018
Deposit Date Jul 11, 2022
Journal Building and Environment
Print ISSN 0360-1323
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 138
Pages 53-62
Keywords Underground environment; Indoor plants; Artificial windows; Human–nature relations; Human well-being; Urban development
Public URL