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A high-speed imaging and modeling study of dendrite fragmentation caused by ultrasonic cavitation

Shu, Da; Sun, Baode; Mi, Jiawei; Grant, Patrick S.


Da Shu

Baode Sun

Patrick S. Grant


The dynamic behavior of ultrasound-induced cavitation bubbles and their effect on the fragmentation of dendritic grains of a solidifying succinonitrile 1 wt pct camphor organic transparent alloy have been studied experimentally using high-speed digital imaging and complementary numerical analysis of sound wave propagation, cavitation dynamics, and the velocity field in the vicinity of an imploding cavitation bubble. Real-time imaging and analysis revealed that the violent implosion of bubbles created local shock waves that could shatter dendrites nearby into small pieces in a few tens of milliseconds. These catastrophic events were effective in breaking up growing dendritic grains and creating abundant fragmented crystals that may act as embryonic grains; therefore, these events play an important role in grain refinement of metallurgical alloys.


Shu, D., Sun, B., Mi, J., & Grant, P. S. (2012). A high-speed imaging and modeling study of dendrite fragmentation caused by ultrasonic cavitation. Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, 43(10), 3755-3766.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date May 16, 2012
Publication Date 2012-10
Journal Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
Print ISSN 1073-5623
Publisher Springer Publishing Company
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 43
Issue 10
Pages 3755-3766
Keywords Mechanics of Materials; Condensed Matter Physics; Metals and Alloys
Public URL