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The role of perceived control in the perception of breathlessness severity in heart failure

Hyman, James Dorset


James Dorset Hyman


This portfolio thesis is comprised of three parts; a systematic literature review, an empirical study and a set of appendices.Part one is a systematic literature review of empirical papers examining the relationship between coping and outcomes of psychological wellbeing in heart failure. The review commences with an overview of literature relating to coping in health populations and psychological wellbeing, and a description of the rationale for the review. The systematic methodology used to identify and appraise relevant literature is described, as are the synthesised findings of the reviewed studies in relation to coping and the chosen domains of psychological wellbeing. These findings are discussed in relation to conceptual issues related to coping as a dimension, and how it is measured. The paper concludes with limitations of the review, suggestions for future research, clinical implications and a conclusion.Part two is an empirical paper examining the role of health-related perceived control in the perception of breathlessness severity and distress for heart failure patients. An overview of the relevant literature, the rationale for the study, research questions and hypotheses are discussed. The paper describes the relevant aspects of the methodology including the study design, procedure, details of self-report measures, and the chosen approach to statistical analysis. Hypotheses of relationships between the main study variables based on previous research findings, and a recent model of distress in heart failure are tested using partial correlation analyses. Findings are discussed in relation to clinical implications, further research and study limitations.Part Three comprises the appendices (including additional information and materials pertaining to the literature review and empirical paper), and a reflective statement documenting the journey taken through the research process.


Hyman, J. D. The role of perceived control in the perception of breathlessness severity in heart failure. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Nov 22, 2011
Publicly Available Date Feb 22, 2023
Keywords Clinical psychology
Public URL
Additional Information Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Therapies, The University of Hull
Award Date Jun 1, 2011


Thesis (3.9 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2011 Hyman, James Dorset. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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